Lecturing / Teaching
- Field Trip (10 days): Sustainable urban transformation in Southern Germany: Opportunities and challenges (2023)
- Field Trip (by bicycle) (1 day): Copenhagenize Hamburg: On the way towards a bicycle city? (2019)
- Field Trip (1 day): Hamburg: Challenges of sustainable mobility (2019) (on behalf of Hans-Böckler-Stiftung)
- Seminar: introduction to human geography A: urban geography (2018/2019) (2018) (2017) (2016)
- Advanced seminar: Current challenges of the energy and urban transport sector – quo vadis sustainability? (2018) (on behalf of Hildesheim University)
- Advanced seminar: Current challenges of the energy and urban transport sector – quo vadis sustainability? (2018) (on behalf of Göttingen University)
- Field Trip (by bicycle) (3 days): Hamburg: the right to the city? (2018) (2017/2018) (2017) (2016/2017) (2016) (2015/2016)
- Field Trip (1 day): Public participation between theory and implementation: the example of the subway network expansion of the Hamburger HOCHBAHN (2018) (group picture, 04 May 2018)
- Field Trip (3 days): the New Hanse? comparative urban development of Lübeck and Rostock (2018) (2017) (2016) (2015) (group picture, 26 June 2015)
- Field Trip (10 days): green growth and sustainable development in Southern Germany: Opportunities and challenges (2017/2018)
- Field Trip (1 day): Large housing estates in Hamburg City between stigmatization and urban upgrading: the case of SAGA (2017)
- Seminar: introduction to human geography B: urban politics (2016/2017) (2014/2015) (group picture, 30 January 2015)
- Advanced seminar: energy geography (2016/2017)
- Field Trip (1 day): Neue Mitte Altona: a model quarter of sustainable urban development? (2016) (group picture, 10 June 2016)
- Field Trip (14 days): resilience, sustainable development and green growth in urban Vietnam (2016)
- Seminar: urban geography (2015/2016)
- Lecture: introduction to human geography A (2015/2016)
- Advanced seminar: current debates around energy geography (2015/2016)
- Seminar: sustainable entrepreneurship (2015/2016)
- Field Trip (11 days): Czech Republik and Slovakia: transition processes (2015)
- Field Trip (1 day): the creative economy of Hamburg: chances & challenges (2015)
- Field Trip (3 days): the urban geography of Hamburg City (2015)
- Field Trip (3 days): Hamburg: the right to the city? (2014/2015)
- Seminar: Energy governance (2014) (group picture, 28 June 2014)
- Field Trip (1 day): expansion planning and location evaluation at Tchibo GmbH (2014)
- Field Trip (3 days): Hamburg: current debates around urban development (2014) (impression from bicycle tour through HafenCity, 14 June 2014)
- Lecture: Green Economy: National and urban strategies revisited (2013/2014)
- Field Trip (3 days): Hamburg: The right to the city? (2013/2014) (group picture, 29 March 2014)
- Seminar: Official Development Cooperation: How to support the Global South? (2013/2014) (group picture, 18 January 2014)
- Field Trip (1 day): Contested Urban Energy: The Case of Moorburg Power Plant (2013) (group picture, 05 July 2013)
- Seminar: Green Growth = Sustainable Development? (2013) (group picture, organic farm Süderdeich, 08 June 2013)
- Field Trip (3 days): Hamburg: The right to the city? (2013) (group picture, Moorburg power plant, 31 May 2013)
- Field Trip (1 day): Climate-friendly neighbourhoods in Hamburg City (2013)
- Short-Term Appointment at the Faculty of Geography / University of Social Sciences & Humanities (USSH) in Ho Chi Minh City & at the Faculty of Urban Management / National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) in Hanoi; Course units conducted: Lecture: „Introduction to Urban Green Governance“ & Intensive Tutorial „Introduction to Empirical Survey Methodology“; funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (3-4/2013)
group picture after lecture, HCM University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH), 13 March 2013;
hand-over of souvenir by the director of the International Relations Department, Mr. Bang A. Tuan, during last lecture day, USSH, 22 March 2013;
group picture after kick-off event at Hanoi National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), 01 April 2013. - Lecture: Introduction to urban green governance (2012/2013)
- Seminar: Energy geography: the urban dimension (2012/2013) (group picture before a windmill in Suederdeich, 12 January 2013)
- Field Trip (3 days): Hamburg: The right to the city? (2012) (group picture, cruise-terminal, Altona, 23 June 2012)
- Seminar: Geographies of sustainable consumption (2012) (group picture, House of the Owls / Suederdeich, 29 July 2012)
- Seminar: Mega-cities in East and Southeast Asia (together with Dr. Sandra Kurfürst) (2011/2012)
- Field Trip (3 days): Current urban development within the municipality of Hamburg (2011) (group picture, IBA Dock, 05 June 2011)
- Study Project (14 days): Climate change and challenges for sustainable urban development in Vietnam (2010/2011),
gefördert durch den DAAD aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung
group picture of joint workshop, Hanoi National University of Education, Faculty of Geography, 25 February 2011;
group picture of joint workshop, Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture, Faculty of Urban Planning, 08 March 2011;
Article about the study project in Vietnam, published in the regular magazine PACIFIC NEWS No. 36; author: Vanessa Densow.
Poster series „Climate Change & Sustainable Urban Development“ as one result of the study project published on flickr. - Preparation Seminar (attached to the study project): Climate change and challenges for sustainable urban development in Vietnam (2010/2011)
- Field Trip (4 days): Hanoi: The first sustainable capital in Asia in the year 2030? (2010/2011)
- Seminar: Special economic zones: engines of growth and innovation or law-free areas of globalized exploitation? (2010)
- Seminar of Applied Geography: Challenges for students of geography in the labour market of Hamburg (2010)
- Field Trip (14 days): The Pearl River Delta/China in transition (together with the University of Osnabrueck, Department of Geography & the University of Kassel, Department of Urban Regeneration) (2009/2010)
group picture of joint workshop, Hong Kong University, Department of Urban Planning & Design, 28 February 2010;
group picture of joint workshop, Shenzhen University, Department of Public Administration, 06 March 2010. - Preparation Seminar (attached to the field trip): The Pearl River Delta in Transition (2009/2010)
- Seminar: Urban Development in the Transitional Countries of China and Vietnam (2009)
- Seminar of Applied Geography: Challenges for Students of Geography in the Labour Market of Hamburg (2008/2009)
- Field Trip (3 days): The new HANSE – Comparative recent Urban Development Tendencies of Lübeck & Rostock (2008/2009) (together with Claas Dörnte)
- Seminar: Metropolitan Governance of Asian Mega-Urban Regions (2008) (together with Dr. Michael Bose / HafenCity University Hamburg)
- Seminar: Current Tendencies of Urban Development in China (2008) (group picture – Eider Barrage, 29 June 2008)
- Seminar: Approaches to Urban Governance (2007/2008)
- Study Project (10 days): Prague/Czech Republic – A City in Transition (2007/2008)
- Preparation Seminar (attached to the study project): Prague/Czech Republic – A City in Transition (2007/2008)
- Lecture: Introduction to the Geosystem Earth (together with Prof. Dr. Gerold/Prof. Dr. Gerold/Dr. Elke Fischer/PD Dr. Heiko Faust/Dr. Grotheer) (2006/2007)
- Tutorial: Introduction to the Geosystem Earth (2006/2007)
- Seminar of Applied Geography: Introduction to empirical survey methods – small-spatial population prognosis models and demographic change (2006/2007) (group picture of seminar from 2006/2007)
- Introductory Course to applied human geography (1998/1999/2000/2001/2002/2003/2004/2005/2006)
- Studies in Empirical Field Work (15 days): Challenges of Housing Development in Vietnam’s Metropolis – A Comparative View of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (2005/2006)
supported byas well as the Universitätsbund Göttingen e.V.;
group picture of joint workshop at Hanoi National University of Education, Faculty of Geography, 30 March 2006;
group picture after joint study project at National University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Geography, Ho Chi Minh City, 8 April 2006. - Field trip to Hanoi/Vietnam (5 days) – A City in Transition (2005/2006)
- Applied Geography: Demographic Change, consequences and action fields. Successful Partizipaton (2nd place) in a nationwide student’s competition on ‚Demographic Change‘ of the Federal Ministry for the Interior of Germany (BMI) (2005). Article in ‚Rundbrief Geographie‚, November 2005. (group picture from seminar 2005)
- Research Seminar (together with Prof. Dr. G. Ströhlein & Dr. G. Cassing): Demographic Change and its effects on spatial patterns – Case Study of the Southern Lower Saxony Region. (2004/2005)
- Seminar: Developing Countries & International Development Politics (group picture of seminar from 2004/2005); (web-site 2002/2003); (web-site 2001/2002)
- Field trip to Prague – A City in Transition (5 days) (web-site 2004/2005) (2003/2004) (2003) (2002/2003)
- Tutorial: Current demographic developments – declining and aging population trends and its effects on spatial patterns in Germany (2004)
- Short-Term Appointment at the Faculty of Geography of University of Social Sciences & Humanities (USSH) in Ho Chi Minh City and at the Faculty of Geography of National University of Education in Hanoi (Class Pic Saigon, Class Pic Hanoi); Course units conducted: Lecture: „Modern Urban Social Geography“ & Tutorial: „Introduction to empirical survey methods“; funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (2-4/2004)
- Tutorial: Demographic Change in Germany (2003/2004)
- Seminar of Applied Geography: Tourism Structures in Lower-Saxony – Health Tourism in Bad Gandersheim (2003/2004) (group pic after final presentation)
- Field trip to Southwest Germany (5 days) (web-site of the field trip 2003) (together with Dr. S. Glatzel)
- Seminar of Applied Geography: Acceptance of the Weekly Market of Goettingen (2001/2002)
- Seminar of Applied Geography: Event-tourism and the Christmas Market of Goettingen (2000/2001) (group picture from seminar 2000/01)
- Field trip around the lake of Constance (2000)
- Seminar of Applied Geography: Evaluation of cycle tracks in the town of Goettingen (1999/2000)
- Field trip to Vietnam (15 days) (together with Prof. Dr. W. Kreisel) (1998/1999) (web-site of field-trip)
group picture at the famous Temple of Literature (Văn miếu), Hanoi, 14 March 1999. (supported by DAAD)
- Preparation Seminar (together with Prof. Dr. W. Kreisel) for the field trip to Vietnam (1998/1999)
- Seminar of Applied Geography: Analysis of Mobility and Travel Behaviour Pattern of Students in Goettingen (1997)
- Field trip EUREGIO Maas-Rhine (4 days) (homepage of field trip 1997) , (homepage of field trip 1998 – field trip report 1998), (homepage of field trip 1999)
- Seminar of Applied Geography (advanced): Introduction to the economic and cultural region of South East Asia (1997/1998)
- Cartography Course Tutorials (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000)
- Regular Lecturer at the Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen
- Tigerstaaten – Branchen, Markteintritt und Recht. Day Seminar, Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen, 26 May 2008, Göttingen.
- Die Tigerstaaten im Fluggänsemodell? Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung von Singapur, Malaysia und Vietnam im Vergleich. Day Seminar, Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen, 29 November 2007, Göttingen.
- Tigerstaaten – Markteintritt, Branchen und Recht. Day Seminar, Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen, 24 May 2007, Göttingen.
- Die Tigerstaaten – Landeskunde, Wirtschaft, Kultur. Day Seminar, Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen, 21 May 2007, Göttingen.
- Tigerstaaten in Südostasien – Ein Vergleich von Singapur, Malaysia und Vietnam. Day Seminar, Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen, June 2006, Göttingen.
- Tigerstaaten in Südostasien. Day Seminar, Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen, January 2006, Göttingen.
- Boomland Vietnam – Herausforderungen und Hemmnisse auf dem Weg zum Tigerstaat. Day Seminar, Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen, 11 January 2005, Göttingen.
- Vietnam – ein neuer Tigerstaat? Day Seminar, Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen, 4 June 2004, Göttingen.
- Wirtschaftsorientierte Landeskunde Vietnam. Day Seminar, Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen, 16 January 2004, Göttingen.
- Wirtschaftsorientierte Länderkunde Vietnams. Day Seminar, Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen, 14 January 2003, Göttingen.