






  • Waibel, M. (2019) Copenhagenize Hamburg: Auf dem Weg zur Fahrradstadt? Geographische Rundschau, 71 (9), 22-27. (Abstract)
  • Waibel, M. (2019) Der Copenhagenize Index (MAGAZIN: Karte kompakt). Geographische Rundschau, 71 (11), 56.
  • Waibel, M. (2019) Metropolen vor den Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung im Kontext von Globalisierung und Klimawandel – das Beispiel Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. Geographie heute, Ausgabe Nr. 345/2019, 38-41 (+ 7 Arbeitsblätter).
  • Waibel, M. (2019) Wie können wir unsere Städte zukunftsfähig gestalten? Vorwort zum Themenheft „Globales Lernen – Stadt der Zukunft: Hamburger Unterrichtsmodelle zum KMK-Orientierungsrahmen Globale Entwicklung“, hrsg. vom Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, 4-5.


  • Waibel, M. (2018) Góc nhìn đô thị Việt Nam qua 10 năm phát triển. In: Nguyễn Tường Văn, Trần Quốc Thái, Trần Thị Lan Anh, Hoàng Vĩnh Hưng (biên tập): Quản lý phát triển đô thị Việt Nam 2008-2018. Nhà Xuất Bản Xây Dựng, Hà Nội: 58-69. ISBN: 978-604-82-2682-4.



  • Waibel, M. (ed.) (2017) Phnom Penh: Capital City. Book series PAZIFIK FORUM of the Association of Pacific Studies; Volume 19, APSA Publishing House, Phnom Penh / Cambodia, 208 pages. ISBN: 978-9924-9151-0-2.



  • Katzschner, A., Waibel, M., Schwede, D., Katzschner, L., Schmidt, M., Storch, H. (Eds.) (2016) Sustainable Ho Chi Minh City: Climate Policies for Emerging Mega Cities. Springer Publishing House. ISBN: 978-3-319-04614-3 (Print) 978-3-319-04615-0 (Online).
  • Waibel, M. (ed.) (2016) TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City. Sách ảnh / Photo Book. 3rd updated edition. Book series PAZIFIK FORUM of the Association of Pacific Studies; Volume 18, Hồng Đức Publishing House, Hanoi / Vietnam, 208 pages. ISBN: 978-604-94-9365-2.
  • Fink, M. (2016) Soziale Sicherung im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Transformation. Eine partizipative Studie in Küstendörfern der Fidschi-Inseln. In: Dittrich, C., Faust, H. & M. Waibel (Hrsg.) Schriftenreihe PAZIFIK FORUM der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V., Band 17, Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 248 S. ISBN: 978-3-86395-261-7.
  • Waibel, M. (ed.) (2016) Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City. Sách ảnh / Fotobuch / Photo Book. 1st edition. Book series PAZIFIK FORUM of the Association of Pacific Studies; Volume 16, Fine Art Publishing House, Hanoi / Vietnam, 304 pages. ISBN 978-604-78-4045-8.





  • Waibel, M. & H. Hilbert (eds.) (2014) TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City. Sách ảnh / Fotobuch / Photo Book. 1st Edition, Times Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam, 300 p. ISBN: 978-604-936-338-2.





Conference Papers / Proceedings

  • Waibel, M. (2012) Những trở ngại trong áp dụng kiến trúc xanh ở Việt Nam. In: Waibel, M. (ed.) (2012) Green Housing in Vietnam between Tradition & Modernity. Proceedings of a Conference organized at Goethe Institute Hanoi, 16-17 October 2012, Hanoi/Vietnam, 69-82.
  • Waibel, M. (2012) Challenges for green housing in Vietnam. In: Waibel, M. (ed.) (2012) Green Housing in Vietnam between Tradition & Modernity. Proceedings of a Conference organized at Goethe Institute Hanoi, 16-17 October 2012, Hanoi/Vietnam, 55-68.







  • Waibel, M. (Ed.) (2010) Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Development in Vietnam (Kỷ yếu hội thảo: Biến đổi khí hậu và Phát triển đô thị bền vững tại Việt Nam). Proceedings of a Conference organized at Goethe Institute Hanoi, 14-15 September 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam, 378 p.

Conference Papers / Proceedings

Journalistic Articles

  • Waibel, M. (2010) Hanoi boomt: Der Weg nach Westen. Wiener Zeitung, Dossier “Hanoi – Eine Stadt wird 1000 – Chào mừng Hà Nội 1000 năm!”, 9. Oktober 2010, 10-13.
  • Waibel, M. (2010) Hanoi is booming: Heading West. Wiener Zeitung, Dossier “Happy 1000th, Hanoi! – Chào mừng Hà Nội 1000 năm!”, Dossier: Countries, Cities, People. November 2010, 10-13.


Conference Papers / Proceedings

  • Waibel, M. (2009) Climate Change, Sustainable Development and the Ecological Footprint of the Urban Middle Classes in Vietnam’s Metropolis. In: Center for Research and Promotion of Education for Sustainable Development of the Hanoi National University of Education (Ed.) (2009) Proceedings of the International Workshop “Enhancing Awareness and Capacities to Tackle Climate Change Challenges”, 12-13 October 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam. pp. 23-37.
  • Waibel, M. (2009) New Consumers as Key Target Groups for Sustainability before the Background of Climate Change in Emerging Economies: The Case of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. In: World Bank (Ed.) (2009) Proceedings of the 5th Urban Research Symposium of the Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda, 28-30 June 2009, Marseille, France. 14 pages.
  • Waibel, M. (2009) The Model of the “Transitional Urban Development Cycle”: Explaining complex interrelationships between urban informality, governability, and restructuring policies. Paper presented at the Workshop “Urban Development in a Globalising World – Overcoming the Formal-Informal Divide”, organized by the Irmgard-Coninx-Foundation in cooperation with the Humboldt-University and the WZB, 12-13 June 2009, Berlin. 8 pages.
  • Waibel, M. (2009) Gắn Kết Xã Hội và Tính Chặt Chẽ Đô Thị: Những Thách Thức cho Sự Phát Triển Toàn Diện và Bền Vững của TP Hà Nội. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium: HANOI 2030 – For the Hanoi Capital Construction Master Plan to 2030 and Vision to 2050. 21-22 April 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam. 11 pages.



Conference Paper

  • Waibel, M. (2007) Migration to Greater Ho Chi Minh City in the Course of Doi Moi Policy: Spatial Dimensions, Consequences and Policy Changes with Special Reference to Housing. Conference Paper in the context of the Seventh Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality „Migration into Cities“, jointly organized by the Irmgard Coninx Foundation, the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) and the Humboldt-University Berlin, October 25 – 27, 2007, Berlin, 6 pages.


  • Waibel, M. & Le Van Thanh (2007) The Balance of Urban Growth and Redevelopment in Ho Chi Minh City. Sustainable Housing Policies for Megacities of Tomorrow. Action Field 4. Housing Market and Provision. Second Interim Report. 30 April 2007, 128 p.



  • Waibel, M., Jordan, R. & Schneider, H. (Eds.) (2006) Konfliktregion Südostasien – Alte Konflikte und neue Kriege. Schriftenreihe PAZIFIK FORUM der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V., Volume 11. Bad Honnef: Horlemannverlag, 176 p. ISBN 3-89502-217-9.
  • Weber, Robert, R. (2006) Kulturlandschaftswandel in Zentralsulawesi – Historisch-geographische Analyse einer indonesischen Bergregenwaldregion. In: Faust, H., Kreisel, W. & Waibel, M. (2006) Schriftenreihe PAZIFIK FORUM der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V., Band 12. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 238 S. ISBN 3-938616-52-0.



  • Waibel, M. & Kreisel, W. (Eds.) (2005) The Pacific Challenge – Development Trends in the 21st century. Schriftenreihe PAZIFIK FORUM der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V., Volume 10. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 171 p. ISBN 3-938616-10-5.
  • Waibel, M., Thimm, T. & Kreisel, W. (eds.) (2005) Fragile Inselwelten – Tourismus, Umwelt und indigene Kulturen. Schriftenreihe PAZIFIK FORUM der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V., Volume 9. Bad Honnef: Horlemannverlag, 256 p. ISBN 3-89502-204-7.

Conference Paper

  • Waibel, M. (2005) Sustainable City Concepts. Proceedings of the Workshop “Education for Sustainable Development in the Era of Globalization”, Hanoi National University of Education, 14 December 2005, Hanoi, Vietnam, 142-147.


Conference Paper



  • Kreisel, W., Marsden, P. H. & Waibel, M. (Eds.) (2003) Wandel, Werte und Wirtschaft im pazifischen Raum. Schriftenreihe PAZIFIK FORUM der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V., Volume 8. Göttingen. 230 p. ISBN 3-89744-226-4.



  • Thimm, T. (2002) Kulturwandel und Tourismus in Französisch-Polynesien. In: Kreisel, W. & Waibel, M. (Eds.) (2002) Schriftenreihe PAZIFIK FORUM der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V., Volume 7. Göttingen: Duehrkohp & Radicke, 226 p. ISBN 3-89744-191-8.


before 2001


  • Kreisel, W. (1999)(Ed.)/(participating editor: Waibel, M.) Growing Gaps – Perspektiven für eine zukunftsfähige Regionalentwicklung im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum. Hamburg: Abera Publishing House. 164 pages. (ISBN 3-934376-24-X).