
since 2017: Build4People: Sustainable Buildings for People – Enhancing Urban Quality of Life in Cambodia, funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Timeline of the whole funding initiative is till 2027: Preparation phase 2017-2018 (six months), BMBF support code: 01DP17053; Definition phase 2019-2021 (20 months), BMBF support code: 01LE1908A); Research and Development phase 2021-2025 (48 months), BMBF support code: 01LE1908A1); Implementation phase 2025-2027 (24 months); Concluding phase 2027 (6 months). Michael Waibel is consortium leader and guiding the work packages WP#6 „Sustainable Urban Transformation“ and WP#7 „Coordination, Communication and Dissemination“. Consortium sub-project partners are Prof. Dr. Ellen Matthies / Dr. Anke Blöbaum, Department of Environmental Psychology, Madgeburg University, WP#1 „Behaviour Change“, Dr. Dirk Schwede, Stuttgart University, WP#2 „Sustainable Building“, Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Messerschmidt, SME „EMP, Eble Messerschmidt & Partner“, WP#3 „Sustainable Neighbourhoods“, Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, WP#4 „Urban Green“, Prof. Dr. Lutz Katzschner, SME „INKEK, Institute for Climate and Energy Concepts“, WP#5 „Urban Climate“.

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07/2019-08/2023: Climate-Adapted Material Research for the Socio-Economic Context of Vietnam – Enabling Research and Development for Sustainable Buildings in the socio-economic context of Vietnam (CAMaRSEC). The research project CAMaRSEC-II (support code: 01LZ1804B) is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Leader of the consortium: Dr. Dirk Schwede / University of Stuttgart. I am leader of the CAMaRSEC sub-project 2 with the title: „socio-economic dimension / governance of sustainable building / impact management“. Main local partners are the Hanoi University of Civil Engineering (Trường Đại học xây dựng, HUCE) and the Vietnamese Institute of Building Materials (Viện Vật liệu xây dựng, VIBM), both based in Hanoi and the Ton Duc Thang University (Đại học Tôn Đức Thắng, TDTU) based in Ho Chi Minh City.



04/2017-09/2017: Climate-Adapted Material Research for the Socio-Economic Context of Vietnam – Enabling Research and Development for Sustainable Buildings in the socio-economic context of Vietnam (CAMaRSEC). The definition project CAMaRSEC-I (support code: 01DP17018) was funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Leader of the consortium: Dr. Dirk Schwede / University of Stuttgart. I was recognized research partner within this project.


09/2015-08/2016: Project coordinator and curator of the poster exhibition “Chinas Metropolen im Wandel: Die Zweite Transformation” which has received a grant from the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the context of the Science Year 2015 with the topic “City of the Future”. For the first time China was the partner country of this initiative. Through the federal funding, altogether 25 schools have received the opportunity to exhibit the posters and to invite the curator Dr. Michael Waibel to give an introductory presentation.


04/2013-10/2016: Publication project of a trilogy illustrating recent urban development in Vietnam: „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City“ (2014, 2nd edition 2015, 3rd edition 2016), „Hà Nội: CAPITAL City“ (2015) and „Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City“ (2016).


04/2014-10/2014: Project coordinator on behalf of Goethe Institute Vietnam; topic: international conference about „Creativity and the City: Challenges and Opportunities for Vietnam“ (2014)


06/2011-04/2014: Project Leader in the context of the DFG Priority Programme 1233: „Megacities – Megachallenge: Informal Dynamics of Global Change“ (3nd phase); topic: „The Governance of Spatial and Economic Restructuring: Informal Dynamics of the Maturing Mega-City”. Together with Prof. Dr. Uwe Altrock, University of Kassel; Project Flyer in English (PDF) & Project Flyer in Chinese (PDF)


04/2009-12/2011: Project Leader in the context of the DFG Priority Programme 1233: „Megacities – Megachallenge: Informal Dynamics of Global Change“ (2nd phase); topic: „Governance over Time: Spatial Differentiation & Temporal Change of Urban Development and Redevelopment Strategies in the Pearl River Delta“. Project Partners: Associate Prof. Dr. Bo-sin Tang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Building and Real Estate & Associate Prof. Dr. Yanling He, Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, School of Government / Centre for Urban Studies. Project Flyer in English (PDF) & Project Flyer in Chinese (PDF)



7/2008-9/2013: Recognized Partner and Work Package Leader of a research group, which has received a grant within the funding programme “Research for the Sustainable Development of the Megacities of Tomorrow – Energy- and climate-efficient structures in urban growth centres” of the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF), Title of the action: „Integrative Adaptation Planning Framework for Climate Urban Environment of Ho Chi Minh City – Sustainable Strategies for Energy- and Climate-Efficient and Housing Typologies for Mega-Cities of Tomorrow“; within the project I was leader of the Work Package „Climate-Adapted Housing and Energy-Efficient Buildings“; Main applicant: BTU Cottbus, Germany.


02/2007-12/2009: Project in the context of the DFG Priority Programme 1233: „Megacities – Megachallenge: Informal Dynamics of Global Change“ (1st phase); topic: „Border-drawing and spatial differentiation of urban governance modes in the Pearl River Delta – with special regard to informal development and self-organization“. Together with Prof. Dr. Uwe Altrock/University of Kassel & Dr. Werner Breitung/Sun Yat-sen University of Guangzhou/China. Project Flyer in English (PDF) & Project Flyer in Chinese (PDF)

7/2004-3/2008: Partner and Work Package Leader of a research group, which has received a grant within the funding programme “Research for the Sustainable Development of the Megacities of Tomorrow” of the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF), Title of the action: ‚The Balance of Urban Growth and Redevelopment in Ho Chi Minh City/ Vietnam – Sustainable Housing Policies for Megacities of Tomorrow‘; Work Package Leader of the Action Field „Housing Policies“; Main applicant: BTU Cottbus – Germany.


BBR02/2004-9/2005: Senior Expert/Scientific Project Consultant, Action Programme „Demonstration Project on Spatial Planning“ (MORO). Topic: „Infrastructure and Demographic Change – Network of Generations for Southern Lower Saxony“ (Modellvorhaben der Raumordnung [MoRo] mit dem Thema „Südniedersachsen 2020: Region als Generationen-Netzwerk“), on behalf of the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) & Regional Federation of Southern Lower Saxony (Regionalverband Südniedersachsen).