Event Organisation

last update of this page: 31/12/2018

02/2018: Stakeholder Workshop at Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia, in the context of the BMBF-funded BuildPeople-Project: Sustainable Buildings for People – Enhancing Urban Quality of Life in Cambodia.

03/2016-03/2017: Development of the photo book „Phnom Penh: Capital City“ – Presentation and exhibition opening at META House, Phnom Penh, 16 March 2017.

03/2015-03/2016: Development of the photo book „Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City“ – Presentation at Municipal Library of Da Nang, 17 March 2016.

03/2014-02/2015: Development of the photo book „Hà Nội: Capital City“ and of the second edition of the photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA CITY




04-10/2014: Conceptualiziation of the 5th edition of the Poster Exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities: The 2nd Transition“ in the context of CHINATIME Hamburg 2014


04/2014-12/2014: Conceptualization, scientific organisation and keynote speech in the context of the international conference „Creativity and the City: Challenges and Chances for Vietnam“, on behalf of the Goethe-Institut Hanoi, 30 September-02 October 2014, Hanoi.

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03/2013-02/2014: Development of the photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA CITY“ (together with Henning Hilbert)


09/2013: Chair of a session about „Sustainable Urban Development: Green Cities & Green Buildings“ at GreenBiz 2013 – European Green Business Solutions for Vietnam, Melia Hotel, Hanoi, 19 September 2013.


09/2013: Conceptualization, scientific organisation and keynote speech in the context of the conference „Green Growth in Vietnam: From Myth to Reality„, on behalf of the Goethe-Institut Hanoi, 11 September 2013, Hanoi.

Download Conference Flyer


04/2012-12/2012: Conceptualization, scientific organisation and keynote speech in the context of the international conference „Green Housing in Vietnam between Tradition and Modernity“, on behalf of the Goethe-Institut Hanoi, 16-17 October 2012, Hanoi.

04-08/2012: Conceptualiziation of the Poster Exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities: The 2nd Transition“ in the context of CHINATIME Hamburg 2012


10/2011: Conceptualiziation of the Poster Exhibition „MegaCities in Southeast Asia“, on behalf of the Asia House Essen, Southeast Asia Information Desk.


04/2011: Chair of a Session on „China Reloaded: Urban Governance in Times of Economic Restructuring and Rapid Urbanization“ (Session ID 5259). Sponsorship by China Geography Specialty Group. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG-Meeting). 12-16 April 2011, Seattle/U.S.


04/2010-12/2010: Conceptualization, scientific organisation and keynote speech in the context of the international conference „Climate Change and Challenges for Sustainable Urban Development in Vietnam“, on behalf of the Goethe-Institut Hanoi, 14-15 September 2010, Hanoi.

Download Conference Flyer; Download Proceedings Publication (378 pages); Press Review of the conference


04/2010: Chair of a Session on „Urban Governance in China – Towards an Application of Western Concepts?“. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG-Meeting). 14-16 April 2010, Washington D.C./U.S.



06/2009: Conception and scientific organisation of the international workshop “Urban Development in a Globalising World – Overcoming the Formal-Informal Divide” (together with Colin McFarlane, Dep. of Geography, University of Durham), on behalf of the Irmgard-Coninx-Foundation in cooperation with the Humboldt-University and the WZB, 12-13 June 2009, Berlin.


02/2009: Conceptualiziation and Update of the Poster Exhibition „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“ (20 slides), on behalf of the NGO EU-China Civil Society Forum, located at Asia House Cologne.


09/2008: Organizer of the Poster Exhibition „China’s Metropolis in Transition“, 12 September – 24 October 2008, as part of the CHINATIME Hamburg 2008 event series, coordinated by the Senate of Hamburg Municipality. Supported by the Hamburg Innovation GmbH (HI)/Office of Information and Technology Transfer, the Department of Geography at Hamburg University and the Association for Pacific Studies (APSA).

Link to the posters of the CHINATIME 2008 exhibition (pdf-file, 18 pages A4, total file size: app. 7 MB)


2005: Conceptualiziation of the poster exhibition „Demographic Change in Southern Lower Saxony“. This poster exhibition was developed on behalf of the Regional Federation of Southern Lower Saxony (Regionalverband Südniedersachsen) as part of the Action Programme “Demonstration Project on Spatial Planning” (MORO). Topic: “Infrastructure and Demographic Change – Network of Generations for Southern Lower Saxony” (Modellvorhaben der Raumordnung [MoRo] mit dem Thema “Südniedersachsen 2020: Region als Generationen-Netzwerk”). As for the layout work, I was much supported by the student assistant Reena Bäcker. The exhibition was shown in 2005 & 2006 in various communes of Southern Lower Saxony –  among others in Adelebsen, Einbeck, Göttingen (twice), Katlenburg, Northeim and in Osterode.  See also Press Clippings (years 2005 & 2006).


06/2004: Local organisation of the Annual Meeting of the Scientific Research Group on Southeast Asia within the German Geographical Society (DGfG) (together with Prof. Dr. Werner Kreisel), Department of Geography, University of Göttingen, 11-13 June 2004, Göttingen


Winter Term 2003/2004: Organizer of an interdisciplinary lecture series (together with Prof. Dr. W. Kreisel), topic: „Will the 21st century be ‚the Pacific Century‘?“
Supported by the University of Goettingen/Germany and the Association for Pacific Studies (APSA).



04/1997: Organizer of the international conference „Growing Gaps? Needs & Perspectives for Sustainable Regional Development in the Asian-Pacific Region“ (together with Dr. Christel Fensterseifer & Prof. Dr. Werner Kreisel), 25th – 27th of April 1997, Department of Geography, Georg August University Göttingen, Goldschmidtstr. 5, D-37077 Göttingen; in cooperation with the Association for Pacific Studies (APSA)
Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)