Poster Exhibitions
Poster Exhibition 2019: „Urban Change in Vietnam – Việt Nam trong quá trình biến đổi đô thị“
The exhibition „Urban Change in Vietnam“ has been published @flickr.
Poster Exhibition 2019: „Urban Development in Southeast Asia“
The exhibition „Urban Development in Southeast Asia“ has been published @flickr.
Some impressions of the poster exhibition „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“ shown at the Museum of Local History at Marne in Schleswig-Holstein in March 2019
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Source of all photos: © Peter Schlieper / Michael Waibel 2019
Some impressions of the poster exhibition „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“ shown at the Municipal Library of Neustadt in Holstein in February 2019
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Source of all photos: © Peter Schlieper 2019
Poster Exhibition CHINA TIME Hamburg 2018: Chinas Metropolen im Wandel: Die Zweite Transformation (变化中的中国都市) – 8th updated edition

Die Ausstellung ist Bestandteil der Veranstaltungsreihe „CHINA TIME Hamburg 2018“, organisiert vom Senat der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Sie wird am Geomatikum der Universität Hamburg (Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg) vom 3. September bis 28. September 2018 ausgestellt.
- Posterausstellung „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel – 2018“ auf flickr
- Flyer zur Ausstellung „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel – 2018“
Impressionen von der Ausstellung im famila Einkaufsland Wechloy, Oldenburg (24.09.-29.09.2018)
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Poster Exhibition 2017: Results of Field Trip „Sustainable Development & Climate Change in Vietnam & Cambodia“
This poster exhibition is showing the results of the field trip „Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Vietnam & Cambodia“ during summer term 2016. The field trip took place from 18 September 2016 – 04 October 2016. The sites visited have been Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam‘s first mega city and its most dynamic and most globalised urban space, Phnom Penh, Cambodia‘s capital city, the Mekong Delta, the rice bowl of Vietnam, and Phu Quoc which shall be developed into a major tourism hub of Southeast Asia. All those areas have in common that they already are and will be even more affected by global climate change including extreme weather events. Altogether four working groups investigated aspects of adaptation, mitigation, urban livability and sustainable tourism in cooperation with students from Faculty of Geography of Ho Chi Minh University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
The exhibition was shown from 26 January till 10 February 2017 at the ground floor of the Department of Geography at Göttingen University.
- View all posters of this exhibition on flickr
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Poster Exhibition: Chinatime Hamburg 2016: Chinas Metropolen im Wandel: Die Zweite Transformation (变化中的中国都市) – 7th updated edition
Die Ausstellung ist Bestandteil der Veranstaltungsreihe „Chinatime Hamburg 2016“, organisiert vom Senat der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Sie wird am Geomatikum der Universität Hamburg (Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg) vom 7. November bis 2. Dezember 2016 ausgestellt.
Poster Exhibition 2016: Photo Book “Đà Nẵng: COASTAL CITY”
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This exhibition was developed in complementary addition to the photo book “Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City” published by Fine Art Publishing House in 2016 and edited by Michael Waibel. The design of the posters was made by Ms. Nguyen Huyen Trang on behalf of Goethe Institut Vietnam. It was shown at Goethe-Institut Hà Nội and at the Municipal Library of Đà Nẵng City.
- Video trailer „Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City“ on youtube
- Poster exhibition „Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City“ on flickr
Poster Exhibition 2015: Photo Book “Hà Nội: CAPITAL City”
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This exhibition was developed in complementary addition to the photo book “Hà Nội: CAPITAL CITY” published by Fine Art Publishing House in 2015 and edited by Michael Waibel. The design of the posters was made by Ms. Nguyen Huyen Trang on behalf of Goethe Institut Vietnam. It was shown at Goethe-Institut Hanoi and at Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture.
Poster Exhibition 2014: Creativity in the Cities
This exhibition is depicting creative spaces in East and Southeast Asia and Europe. The core objective is to increase awareness that culture and creativity can be considered as key assets of urban development and that creative spaces may serve as a visual spatial symbol to connect art with city space and citizens.
Creativity needs a vibrant, urban environment and spaces where cultural diversity, networking and mutual inspiration can be experienced – possibly at cheap rent. Former factories, warehouses or abandoned apartment houses provide spatial resources in the cities and offer huge chances when converted into creative hubs: A complex of galleries, artist studios, craft shops, design studios as well as bars, restaurants, and cafés may form an inspirational and attractive neighborhood, both for the local citizens and for tourists.
Creative spaces can also develop into a visual spatial symbol of city marketing, which contribute to build an image of a modern and cosmopolitan metropolis against the backdrop of increasing global city competition. In this way creative spaces may be understood as one cornerstone of cultural industry development.
In Europe and the US creative spaces, also known as creative clusters or cultural quarters, emerged in the 1970s and 1980s. They were often driven by individual artists occupying vacant factories and warehouses located in declining industrial districts with low rents and weak governmental control. Nowadays, the value of creative spaces lies not only in economic possibilities, but in their intrinsic value as vehicles for the preservation of (industrial) cultural heritage and promotion of the arts.
A special thanks goes to all the people who contributed information and visual material to this exhibition.
Curator: Michael Waibel, Hamburg University on behalf of Goethe-Institut Vietnam
Design Concept: Nguyen Huyen Trang
Poster Exhibition 2014: Chinas Metropolen im Wandel: Die Zweite Transformation (变化中的中国都市) (5th edition)
Chinas Wirtschaft steht vor grundlegenden Veränderungen: vom bisher rein quantitativen Wirtschaftswachstum hin zu einer qualitativen Wirtschaftsentwicklung mit höherer Wertschöpfung, geringerer Umweltbelastungen und Förderung des Binnenmarktes. Motoren dieses tief greifenden wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Wandels, der auch als „Zweite Transformation“ bezeichnet wird, sind Chinas Metropolen.
Die nunmehr fünfte Auflage der Ausstellung „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“ zeigt insgesamt 46 Themen- und Fotoposter im DINA1-Format. Neben ausdrucksstarken Bildern illustrieren zahlreiche aufwendig gestaltete Karten und Diagramme die aktuellen Veränderungen in diesem hochdynamischen Land.
Die Ausstellung umfasst vier inhaltliche Stränge:
- China im Überblick,
- Architektur & Stadtentwicklung,
- Umwelt & Nachhaltigkeit,
- Kreativ- und Kulturräume.
Die Ausstellung ist Bestandteil der Veranstaltungsreihe „Chinatime Hamburg 2014“, organisiert vom Senat der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Sie wurde am Geomatikum der Universität Hamburg ausgestellt sowie an etlichen Schulen in Hamburg, Niedersachsen und Bremen.
Angebot an Schulen
Für Lehrer/-innen besteht das Angebot, diese Ausstellung an ihre Schulen zu holen. In der Regel wird dies mit einem dialogorientierten Einführungsvortrag kombiniert. Interessierte mögen sich bitte an Dr. Michael Waibel, Institut für Geographie der Universität Hamburg, wenden.
- View all posters of this exhibition on flickr (6th edition 2015)
- PR-flyer / information leaflet (pdf-file)
- PR-poster of the exhibition
- Announcement of the PR-office of the University of Hamburg, 13 October 2014: Poster- und Fotoausstellung „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel: Die Zweite Transformation“ (pdf-file)
Poster Exhibition 2014: Photo Book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA CITY“
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This exhibition was developed in complementary addition to the photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA CITY” published by Times Publishing House in 2014 and edited by Michael Waibel & Henning Hilbert. The design of the posters was made by Ms. Nguyen Huyen Trang on behalf of Goethe Institut Vietnam. It was shown at Goethe-Institut Hanoi and at Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture.
- Video trailer introducing about the photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City“ on youtube
- Poster exhibition „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA CITY“ on flickr
Poster Exhibition 2012: Chinas Metropolen im Wandel: Die Zweite Transformation (变化中的中国都市) (4th edition)
China steht vor der Herausforderung der sogenannten „Zweiten Transformation“. Darunter versteht man die Abkehr von einem rein quantitativen Wirtschaftsmodell basierend auf niedrigen Arbeitskosten hin zu mehr qualitativem Wachstum basierend auf der Produktion beziehungsweise der Bereitstellung von Waren & Dienstleistungen höherer Wertschöpfung verbunden mit geringerer Umweltbelastung.
„Made in China“ soll im Zuge der Zweiten Transformation zu „Created in China“ werden. Der wachsende Wohlstand macht aus der „Fabrik der Welt“ einen zunehmend attraktiven Absatzmarkt sowohl für internationale als auch für hochwertige chinesische Produkte. Aus „Made in China“ wird in Zukunft dank eines an Bedeutung gewinnenden Binnenmarktes daher auch „Sold in China“.
Chinas Metropolen sind Motoren diesen tiefgreifenden Wandels. Hier findet Auf- und Umbruch statt. Urbane Räume wirtschaftlicher Restrukturierung stellen u.a. ehemalige Fabrikareale dar, die eine Konvertierung hin zu Kultur & Kreativität erfahren. Ein Fokus sind daher die 798 Art Zone in Beijing oder das M50-Künstlerviertel in Shanghai.
Es werden insgesamt 50 Themen- und Fotoposter im DINA1-Format gezeigt. Neben ausdrucksstarken Bildern illustrieren zahlreiche aufwendig gestaltete Karten und Diagramme die aktuellen Veränderungen in diesem hochdynamischen Land.
Die Poster- und Fotoausstellung ist Bestandteil der Veranstaltungsreihe CHINATIME Hamburg 2012, organisiert vom Senat der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Sie wurde von der Hamburg Innovation GmbH, Arbeitsstelle für Wissens- und Technologietransfer (AWITT) sowie vom Institut für Geographie der Universität Hamburg unterstützt.
- Download information leaflet related to this exhibition
- Announcement of the PR-office of the University of Hamburg, 7 August 2012: Chinas Metropolen im Wandel – Posterausstellung im Geomatikum
- view all posters of this exhibition on flickr
Poster Exhibition 2011: MegaCities in Südostasien
From 10 October till 5 November 2011, an exhibition with 26 large-scale posters will illustrate urban development related to mega-cities in Southeast Asia and introduce young people living within these metropolis. The poster exhibition has been developed by my working group on behalf of the Asia Foundation in Essen, Germany. In the coming year, it will be shown at high schools all around Germany (list of exhibition locations).
- Download information leaflet related to this exhibition
- Announcement of the PR-office of the University of Hamburg, 17 October 2011: Posterausstellung: „MegaCities in Südostasien“
- view all posters of this exhibition on flickr
Poster Exhibition Study Project 2011: Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Development in Vietnam
This poster exhibition is showing the results of the study project „Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Development in Vietnam“ from winter term 2010/2011. The study project took place in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City from 23 February 2011 – 10 March 2011. Altogether four bi-national working groups investigated aspects of adaptation, mitigation, sustainable consumption and livable cities in close partnership with students from Faculty of Geography of Hanoi University of Education and Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture, Faculty of Urban Planning.
- Download all exhibition posters as a PDF-file (18,2 MB)
- View all posters of this exhibition on flickr
Poster Exhibition 2011: Demographic Change in the City of Duderstadt
This poster exhibition has been shown from 14 February till 11 March 2011 at the savings bank (Sparkasse) of the city of Duderstadt, a medium-sized town in the south-east of Lower Saxony. It shows results of a demographic prognosis till the year 2025. In the following you will see the information related specifically to the City of Duderstadt. In addition, the poster exhibition also contained information on the future demographic development within the county of Göttingen. The posters of this more general overview can be found below.
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Poster Exhibition 2011: Demographic Change in the City of Hann. Münden
This poster exhibition has been shown from 17 January till 10 February 2011 in the city hall of Hann. Münden, a medium-sized town in the very south of Lower Saxony. It shows results of a demographic prognosis till the year 2025 as well as informs about local action undertaken in the context of demographic change. In the following you will see the information related specifically to the City of Hann. Münden. The poster exhibition also contains information on the future demographic development within the county of Göttingen. The posters of this more general overview can be found below.
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Poster Exhibition CHINATIME Hamburg 2010: China’s Mega Cities in Transition, 变化中的中国都市 (3rd edition)
This exhibition includes 24 posters. It has been developed as part of the CHINATIME Hamburg 2010 event series, coordinated by the Senate of Hamburg Municipality. It has been shown from 08 September – 16 October 2010 at the Geomatikum-building of Hamburg university and later on at several schools in the surroundings of Hamburg, for example from 24 November till 21 December 2010 at the Secondary Grammar School Lilienthal, close to Bremen. It is financially supported by the Hamburg Innovation GmbH (HI)/Office of Information and Technology Transfer (AWITT), the Department of Geography at Hamburg University and the Association for Pacific Studies (APSA).
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Poster Exhibition 2010: Demographic Change within the County of Göttingen
This poster exhibition has been shown from 30 August 2010 till 17 September 2010 in the foyer of the administrative building of the county of Göttingen. It shows results of a demographic prognosis till the year 2025 as well as informs about the specific needs to adapt local social infrastructure. Whereas the posters below give a more general overview of the future demographic development, poster exhibitions foreseen for 2011 will deal more specifically with the demographic situation in the cities of Duderstadt and of Hann. Münden.
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Photo Exhibition 2010: China’s Mega Cities in Transition
Three photo series illustrate the manigfold dynamics of recent urban development in China. The first photo series shows different pavillions at the EXPO2010-site in Shanghai. These photos have been shot by Andre Gantenbrink, student of Chinese studies and Geography at the University of Hamburg. The 2nd photo series shows people living within demolition areas at inner-city neighbourhoods in Beijing and in Shanghai from the year 2006. These photos have been shot by the professional photographer Frauke Schumann from Dortmund. The 3rd photo series shows images from Guangzhou’s Textile District, an area currently under heavy redevelopment and economic restructuring processes. For example, factories for textile production are being torn down and new gigantic wholesale shopping are being erected there. The photos have been taken by members of the University of Hamburg from 2007 till 2010.
Poster Exhibition 2009: China’s Mega Cities in Transition (2nd edition)
This extended and updated poster series was realized in cooperation with the NGO EU China Civil Society Forum located at Asia House, Essen. It was shown in Vienna, Bonn, Bocholt, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Paderborn, Pirna, Ulm, Wuppertal and Hamburg.
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Photo Exhibition 2009: Impressions from Beijing and Shanghai
Frauke Schumann, a professional photographer from Dortmund, Germany visited Beijing and Shanghai in 2006 and 2007. There she was especially interested in documenting the daily life in urban renewal areas. The exhibition shows a selection of 20 photo posters in A1-format.
All Photos © Frauke Schumann
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Poster Exhibition CHINATIME Hamburg 2008: China’s Mega Cities in Transition (1st edition)
This poster exhibition was developed as part of the as part of the CHINATIME Hamburg 2008 event series, coordinated by the Senate of Hamburg Municipality. It was shown from 12 September – 24 October 2008 in Hamburg and later on at several schools in the surroundings of Hamburg, among other in Buxtehude, Harburg, Rotenburg/Wümme and Scharnebeck. It was financially supported by the Hamburg Innovation GmbH (HI)/Office of Information and Technology Transfer (AWITT), the Department of Geography at Hamburg University and the Association for Pacific Studies (APSA).
- Announcement of the PR-office of the University of Hamburg, No. 99/08, 10 September 2008: Posterausstellung „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“
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Poster Exhibition 2005: Demographic Change in Southern Lower Saxony
This poster exhibition was developed on behalf of the Regional Federation of Southern Lower Saxony (Regionalverband Südniedersachsen) as part of the Action Programme “Demonstration Project on Spatial Planning” (MORO). Topic: “Infrastructure and Demographic Change – Network of Generations for Southern Lower Saxony” (Modellvorhaben der Raumordnung [MoRo] mit dem Thema “Südniedersachsen 2020: Region als Generationen-Netzwerk”). As for the layout work, I was very much supported by the student assistant Reena Bäcker (now Schmiester). The exhibition was exhibited in 2005 & 2006 in various communes of Southern Lower Saxony among others in Adelebsen, Einbeck, Göttingen (twice), Katlenburg, Northeim and in Osterode. See also Press Clippings (years 2005 & 2006).
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