News Archive
25 December 2023
Season’s Greetings from the Build4People Project
14 October 2023
Publication of a scientific paper
Open access publication on urban transition interventions based on the case study of the Build4People Sustainable Building Arena: Jayaweera, R., Becker, A. L., Rohracher, H, Nop. S, Waibel, M. (2023). Urban Transition Interventions in the Global South: Creating empowering environments in disempowering contexts?Energy Research & Social Science (ERSS),
09 October 2023
Dissemination of Handbook for Green Housing and Healthy Living to multiplier institutions in Vietnam

20 September 2023
Agenda of Build4People Project Visit, September / October 2023

29 June 2023
Publication of a scientific paper

Nguyen, T.T.T.; Waibel, M. Promoting Urban Health through the Green Building Movement in Vietnam: An Intersectoral Perspective. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10296.
31 May 2023
Presentation about sustainable building and sustainable urban development at a local school

26 April 2023
Presentation in the context of the German Vietnamese Science Day

24 April 2023
Launching Event of Handbook of Green Housing and Healthy Living
31 March 2023
Publication of a scientific paper

Jayaweera, R., Rohracher, H., Becker, A.; Waibel, M. Houses of cards and concrete: (In)stability configurations and seeds of destabilisation of Phnom Penh’s building regime. Geoforum, 141 (2023) 103744. ISSN 0016-7185,
27 February 2023
Kick-off Event of Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2023

19 February 2023
Agenda of Build4People Project Visit, February / March 2023

15 December 2022
Proud of co-authorship of recent publication „Implementation Guideline: Green walls and green roofs: Urban Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Viet Nam“, published through Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

14 December 2022
Presentation about the newly founded Competence Centre for Sustainable Building in Vietnam (CCSB-VN) during a webinar as part of the BMBF funded CLIENT II initiative

07 October 2022
Exchange of Build4People team with representatives of Borey Peng Huoth developer company at its headquarter in Chbar Ambov district, Phnom Penh

06 October 2022
Build4People Work Package #6 “Sustainable Urban Transformation” Science Workshop at Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)

05 October 2022
Build4People Roundtable Workshop at Phnom Penh City Hall

03 October 2022
Build4People team meets the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Kingdom of Cambodia Stefan Messerer during the reception on the occasion of the 32nd Day of German Unity

03 October 2022
Build4People Roundtable Meeting with Housing Development Association of Cambodia
01 October 2022
Launching Event of Build4People Sustainable Building Incubator at Impact Hub Phnom Penh

28 September 2022
Successful HOPE#4 Webinar „Health Governance to promote Comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment of Materials in Sustainable Construction in Vietnam“ with prominent speakers

27 September 2022
Issue No. 58 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published

18 August 2022
The HOPE Webinar #3 “Green building design and sustainable neighborhood development towards public health in the built environment of Vietnam“ raises tremendous interest among about 500 participants

30 June 2022
Successful representation of Build4People at World Urban Forum, Katowice, Poland

30 June 2022
Fruitful HOPE#2 Webinar

14 April 2022
Kind invitation to join the HOPE#1 Webinar

27 March 2022
Issue No. 57 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published

The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
21 March 2022
Inspiring Build4People Sustainable Building Arena at Impact Hub, Phnom Penh

18 March 2022
Presentation Conference of Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2022
16 March 2022
Luncheon to connect Build4People with donor organisations hosted by German Embassy at Raffles hotel, Phnom Penh
14 March 2022
Insightful exchange with local administration of Phnom Penh’s Chbar Ambov district

14 March 2022
Kick-off Event of Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2022
13 March 2022
Informal kick-off of Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2022 at Coconut Park, Phnom Penh

24 December 2021
Merry Christmas 2021 & Happy New Year 2022
16 December 2021
Fruitful MUCE-CAMaRSEC Webinar “Challenges and Opportunities of promoting green buildings in the coastal areas of Central Vietnam – Potentials to cooperate with the CAMaRSEC project”

15 December 2021
Successful Build4People Dissemination Event with Center for Khmer Studies

26 November 2021
Presentations at IFGTM 2021: The 11th International Forum on Green Technology and Management, Can Tho, Vietnam
Today, I was involved in two presentations at IFGTM 2021: The 11th International Forum on Green Technology and Management:
- Enhancing Quality of Life through Sustainable Urban Transformation in Cambodia: Introduction to Build4People. Accepted Conference Abstract (Authors: Waibel, Michael, Blöbaum, Anke, Matthies Ellen, Schwede Dirk, Messerschmidt Rolf, Mund Jan Peter, Katzschner Lutz, Jayaweera Ravi, Becker Annalena, Karagianni Christina, Lambrecht Oliver, Rivera Marcelo & Sebastian Kupski) at IFGTM 2021: The 11th International Forum on Green Technology and Management, Can Tho, Vietnam, 26 November 2021.
- Users’ perspectives for sustainable transformation pathways of Vietnam’s building sector. Accepted Conference Abstract (Authors: Nguyen, Thuy, Waibel, Michael. & Paul Andersen) at IFGTM 2021: The 11th International Forum on Green Technology and Management, Can Tho, Vietnam, 26 November 2021.
25 November 2021
Management of the 2nd Build4People Curriculum Development Summit with representatives of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia

On 25 November 2021, I organised the 2nd 2nd Build4People Curriculum Development Summit many inspiring discussions. Counterpart of the Build4People team were representatives of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia (FAUP-PUC).
09 November 2021
Chapter Contribution to Country Report on Environmental Policy in Vietnam

Today, I am a bit proud of the publication of a book chapter, both in Vietnamese and English language at as part of a country report on Environmental Policy in Vietnam. It is about the issue of urban heat islands. Against the backdrop of climate change urban heat islands dramatically increase health risks of the urban citizens. Promoting sustainable urban development is one key factor to limit the effects of urban heat islands. Co-author of the chapter is my research associate Nguyen Thu Thuy.
28 October 2021
Presentation at the 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress

01 October 2021
Issue No. 56 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published

The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
29 September 2021
EuroCham Vietnam organizes joint webinar with CAMaRSEC

On 29 September 2021, the Green Growth Sector Committee of the European Chamber of Commerce of Vietnam did organize a joint webinar in cooperation with the CAMaRSEC sub-project team of Hamburg University which was attended by more than 100 participants. For us this was a unique opportunity to reach out to the corporate sector and to discuss questions of green building certifications among others based on a recent large-scale household survey in Hanoi and HCMC coordinated by my team.
28 September 2021
Successful Build4People Research Conference

On 28 September 2021, I coordinated and moderated the Build4People Research Conference reaching out to a wide public. At first, we celebrated the recent signing of a MoU between Phnom Penh Capital Administration and Build4People. Then the envisaged joint activities in this context got introduced. In the second part of the conference we discussed methodological approaches within the Build4People project e.g. citizen science approaches. All in all, it was a great event which showed a strong commitment of local stakeholders.
22 September 2021
EuroCham Cambodia organizes joint webinar with Build4People

On 22 September 2021, the European Chamber of Commerce of Cambodia did organize a joint webinar with Build4People as co-partner. The webinar title was “Green Building Certification as Driver for a Sustainable Transition of the Real Estate Sector”.
Thereby, the focus was on how to raise construction quality through green building certification, an update on what quantifies a healthy & green building and the regional progress of building and neighborhood certification with case studies from Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and China. In the context of this event I introduced about the overall approach of the Build4People project.
16 September 2021
Participation at TRIALOG Annual Conference 2021
During the session, several projects of the research programme Sustainable Development of Urban Regions (SURE) supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) got introduced and their case-study related approaches which highlighted the role of CSOs. In this context, I introduced about the Build4People project.
19 August 2021
Speaker at podcast of the Southeast Asia Globe

27 July 2021
Speaker at the IEA Regional Training on Low Carbon Buildings

Today, I am very glad to have received the opportunity to join a plenary session as a speaker during a highly insightful webinar organized by International Energy Agency (IEA).
10 June 2021
Build4People Strategic Publication Planning Workshop

Today, I organized the Build4People Strategic Publication Planning Workshop took place. Participants were the German and the Cambodian research team members. This main objective of this event was to discuss and to develop a smart and coherent joint medium and long-term Build4People publication strategy thereby aiming to increase the overall scientific impact of the Build4People project. Another aim was to synchronize the overall Build4People publication strategy with the qualification aims of the emerging scholars of the Build4People team.
04 June 2021
Successful Participation at ASEAN-IEA Webinar „Regulatory Frameworks and the Role of Governments in Buildings Policy Development”, 04 June 2021
Today, I took part in the webinar „Regulatory Frameworks and the Role of Governments in Buildings Policy Development”, hosted by the ASEAN Centre for Energy and organised by the International Energy Agency, the ASEAN Centre for Energy and the ASEAN Secretariat.
25 May 2021
Press release of Hamburg University to announce start of Build4People Research and Development funded by BMBF

On 25 May 2021, the Office for Public Relations at Hamburg University published an official press release informing the general public and media representatives on the start of the four-year Research and Development phase of the Build4People project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and led by Dr Michael Waibel, Department of Human Geography at Hamburg University.
20 May 2021
Build4People Roundtable Workshop “Discussion of Household Survey Results”
18 May 2021
WP6 “Sustainable Urban Transformation” Science Workshop

29 April 2021
Introduction of Build4People project at SURE Kick-off Conference
On 29 April 2021, the Kick-off Conference of the Programme “Sustainable Development of Urban Regions” (SURE) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) took place.
As part of this conference all ten funded projects got the chance to introduce about themselves. In the case of Build4People, the consortium leader Dr Michael Waibel provided a concise insight into the rationale, the objectives and the research approaches of this multi- and transdisciplinary project.
15 April 2021
Successful Kick-off Meeting of Build4People RD Phase
Happy about successful Kick-off Meeting of the German Build4People team members to prepare for the 4-year Build4People RD phase which started on 01 April 2021.
13 April 2021
Happy Khmer New Year 2021
As representative of the Build4People team I would like to convey my sincere wishes for a Happy New Khmer Year to all of our Cambodian colleagues, their families and their beloved ones. Stay healthy!
06 April 2021
Issue No. 55 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
18 March 2021
Successful CAMaRSEC Status Conference
Successful CAMaRSEC Status Conference, despite some technical difficulties. I think there have been highly interesting presentations with precious insights. Also, the information from the panel discussion panelists have been very interesting and valuable to bring stakeholders and researchers together. I sincerely hope that all of this will support increasing sustainability practices in the Vietnamese building sector. Thanks to all participants and the interest in our joint research. My particular thanks go to the team of VIBM who hosted this event.
26 February 2021
Official notification of funding support of Build4People Research and Development phase (2021-2025)
On 26 February 2021, the Build4People project consortium received official notification of funding support for the Research and Development phase (RD phase) from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The RD phase will run for 48 months, beginning on 01 April 2021. The BMBF has granted 2.95 million Euros in funding support. The total funding expenses of the Build4People project, including own funding contributed by the companies involved, are 3.17 million Euros.
As Build4People consortium leader I am very grateful for this generous support and look forward to a fruitful collaboration with all research, implementation and dissemination partners of the Build4People project.
12 February 2021
Happy New Lunar Year 2021

21 January 2021
Successful Build4People Status Conference
On 21 January 2021, the Build4People Status Conference took place in the presence of H.E. Mr. Nuon Pharat, Vice Governor of Phnom Penh Capital Administration, Vannak Seng, General Director of Phnom Penh Capital Administration, Mr. Christian Berger, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia, Dr Heike Bauer, DLR, representative of the German funding agency, Sokhai Nop, General Secretariat of National Council for Sustainable Development, Dr Vanny Sok, Vice-Rector of Royal University of Phnom Penh and many other stakeholders in the field of sustainable urbanization. All in all, the online event was attended by about 100 participants.
The main main of the Build4People Status Conference was to present the research results at the end of the 18-month Definition Phase and to discuss the envisaged activities of the upcoming Research & Development Phase with our partners and further colleagues.
12 January 2021
Fruitful meeting of the CAMaRSEC project team
Fruitful interim online meeting of the CAMaRSEC project – Climate-Adapted Material Research for the Socio-Economic Context of Vietnam, funded within the CLIENT II initiative of the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
23 December 2020
Season’s Greetings
26 November 2020
Successful Build4People Urban Quality of Life Conceptualization Workshop
On 26 November 2020, the Build4People project organized an online workshop dealing with the conceptualization of urban quality of life. More information on this event, see at Build4People homepage.
19 November 2020
Radio interview in the context of housing in Hamburg and discussion of potential consequences of the corona pandemic
On the occasion of the theme week „How to live in Hamburg – today and in the future“ of the Northern German Broadcasting (NDR), Dr. Stefanie Kley, Professor of Sociology at the University of Hamburg and I discuss questions of housing in Hamburg in times of the global corona pandemic. The interview was moderated by Stefanie Wittgenstein.
31 October 2020
Issue No. 54 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
30 October 2020
Khmer language edition of Build4People exhibition “Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods” published
I am proud to announce that the Khmer language edition of Build4People exhibition on “Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods” has been published online at flickr.
Past project experience has shown that by means of the use of Khmer language a much larger audience can be reached and be made aware of issues of sustainability. This is particularly the case among staff of lower urban administration levels and among wide parts of urban population not being experts in the field of sustainable construction and sustainable urban planning.
This trans-disciplinary effort has been made possible through the main local project management partner of the Build4People project, the Cambodian Institute of Urban Studies (CIUS) led by Dr Tep Makathy.
10 September 2020
First Editorial Meeting to develop the Handbook for Smart Green Housing, Energy Efficiency, Durability and Health
Hamburg University as sub-project leader within the BMBF funded CAMaRSEC project invited to the first editorial meeting to develop the Handbook for Smart Green Housing, Energy Efficiency, Durability and Health. Participants of this online-meeting were representatives from the consortial leader, Stuttgart University, the National University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi and from Tôn Đức Thắng University in Ho Chi Minh City. The Handbook for Smart Green Housing, Energy Efficiency, Durability and Health shall reach out to a wide audience and inform on sustainable solutions in the field of housing. The meeting serves to collect ideas, to develop a content structure and to distribute tasks. The final product shall be published in July / August 2021.
18 August 2020
Stellenangebot für Studentische Hilfskraft: CAMaRSEC & Build4People
Zur Unterstützung zweier vom BMBF geförderter Forschungsprojekte in Vietnam (CAMaRSEC: und in Kambodscha (Build4People: wird ab sofort eine Studentische Hilfskraft gesucht. Bei beiden Projekten geht es um die Förderung nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung, nachhaltiger Gebäude und die Stärkung der städtischen Lebensqualität.
- Assistenz bei der Literatur- und Medienrecherche
- Einpflegen von Material in die Literaturdatenbank Citavi (nach Einarbeitung)
- Erstellung von graphischen Illustrationen für Publikationen (nach Einarbeitung)
- Assistenz bei der Konzeption und Durchführung von Wissenschaftskommunikation über Social-Media-Kanäle (u.a. Facebook, Instagram und YouTube)
- allgemeine Unterstützung bei Projektmanagementaufgaben
Gesucht wird eine motivierte Person mit Interesse an der südostasiatischen Region und an Fragen von städtischer Nachhaltigkeit und städtischer Lebensqualität.
Umfang: 32 Stunden pro Monat
Einstellungsbeginn: idealerweise ab 01. Oktober 2020
Ansprechpartner für Rückfragen:
Dr. Michael Waibel
Institut für Geographie
31 July 2020
Submission of Build4People project proposal – RD phase
On 31 July 2020, our Build4People team successfully submitted the project proposal for the upcoming four-year Research and Development phase with the title “Build4People: Enhancing Quality of Life through Sustainable Urban Transformation”.
Based on our experiences of the ongoing Definition phase and intensive internal discussions, we have been able to refine our approach and to develop a comprehensive research design with a sequence of three research phases:
- societal and scientific problem-based research,
- transdisciplinary action research, and finally
- reflection, refinement and re-integration of created knowledge.
The graph above gives an overview of the proposed Build4People consortium structure of the RD phase with all research, implementation and dissemination partners.
22 July 2020
Invitation as Keynote Speaker at Vietnam Energy Summit 2020
I am feeling very much honored, that I got invited to join the Vietnam Energy Summit 2020 as a key note speaker. This event has been labeled High-Level Forum disseminating the Politburo’s Resolution No. 55 on the Orientation of Viet Nam’s National Energy Development Strategy to 2030, with a vision to 2045. The title of my presentation is: „Energy Efficiency & Conservation in Buildings in Vietnam: Vision, Policies, good Practices and Innovative and Efficient Technologies“.
24 April 2020
Online Publication of Build4People Poster Exhibition „Green Buildings and Sustainable Neigbourhoods“

Very happy, that the final design of the Build4People Exhibition 2020 „Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods“ has been published.
My sincere thanks go to the team of EMP (Eble Messerschmidt & Partner) of WP#3 of the Build4People project for their tremendous efforts!
10 April 2020
Publication of 4rth Build4People Video Clip
Proud to announce the publication of the fourth Build4People video clip documenting the successful Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab at Phnom Penh City Hall from 01-06 March 2020. It has been published at Build4People YouTube Channel.
The Phnom Penh based company Studio4 under the guidance of the Build4People consortium leader, the University of Hamburg / Germany, has produced it.
Thanks for the valuable support and inspiring input of all involved.
13 March 2020
Presentation at a local school about China’s urban development and related challenges to global sustainability
10 March 2020
Fruitful Build4People Research Workshop at RUPP: Concepts and Measurement of Urban Quality of Life
06 March 2020
Successful Presentation Day of the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab
03 March 2020
Exhibition Opening „Green Building and Sustainable Neighbourhoods“ at META House, Phnom Penh
- How do you want to live in the city?
- How do you perceive urban quality of life?
- What can be learned from Germany and Europe in terms of sustainable urban development of Phnom Penh?
The key aim of the Build4People exhibition „Green Building and Sustainable Neighbourhoods” is to raise awareness about these issues and to reach out to a wide public. Thereby, the exhibition with 32 posters in A1-Format provides information with easy-to-understand language and a focus on graphic visualisation and many photos. The main target group for this exhibition are the general public, but also architects, construction and engineering companies, developer enterprises and students / lecturers from institutions of higher education.
Build4People Video Clip: Exhibition Opening „Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods“, 03/03/2020 published at Build4People YouTube Channel
03 March 2020
Kick-off Workshop: Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab
28 February 2020
Issue No. 53 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
26 February 2020
Presentation at Ho Chi Minh City Department of Planning and Architecture (DPA)

19 February 2020
Publication of the 2nd video clip of the Build4People project
This video clip published via YouTube is a documentation of our successful Build4People project launch & conference event at Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 26 November 2019.
The Phnom Penh based company Studio4 under the guidance of the Build4People consortium leader, the University of Hamburg, Germany, has produced it.
Thanks for the valuable support and inspiring input of all involved.
22 December 2019
Season‘s Greatings
14 December 2019
Presentation at the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Learning Instruction and Teacher Education (ILITE), Hanoi National University of Education
Last conference presentation after a long and intensive-productive trip to Southeast Asia in November / December 2019. At the conference, I presented the concept to develop a Green School Demonstration project as part our of multi-disciplinary Build4People project in Cambodia.
10 December 2019
Presentation at the media briefing event “Urban Change and Climate change”, hosted by the Center for Regional and Urban Studies (CRUS) and Văn Lang University (VLU)
Very happy to be invited to present at the media briefing „Urban change in the context of Climate change“. This event was jointly hosted by the Center for Regional and Urban Studies (CRUS) and Văn Lang University (VLU).
All in all, it was a great experience, I highly enjoyed the vibrant discussions. Also very glad, that my panel exhibition „Urban Change in Vietnam“, sponsored by the General Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany, was shown, there, as well. Thanks to the many people, who made this possible!
04 December 2019
Introduction of Build4People Project to H.E. Chea Sophara, Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction Cambodia
Proud to be given the opportunity to present the Build4People project to His Excellency Chea Sophara, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction Cambodia.
My special thanks go to Mr. Christian Berger, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia, who made this possible.
03 December 2019
Roundtable Workshop on „Sustainable Urban Transformation“ at the Royal University of Phnom Penh
On 03 December 2019, the Roundtable Workshop on “Sustainable Urban Transformation” took place at the Cambodia-Korea Cooperation Centre. The Roundtable Workshop aimed at the consolidation of the scientific research strategy for the definition phase of Build4People’s work package #6, “Sustainable Urban Transformation”.
Read here for more information on this event
27 November 2019
Build4People Roundtable Workshop at MJQ Education
The Build4People project aims to transform an educational institution into a so-called “Green School Demonstration Project”. Our local partner is Mengly J. Quach Education (MJQ Education), a private school with several campus buildings, 11,500 students and 1,400 teachers and employees in Phnom Penh.
During a roundtable workshop on 27 November 2019, our team met with representatives of MJQ Education to discuss and exchange ideas from various perspectives towards green school development.
Read here for more information on this event
27 November 2019
Roundtable with Phnom Penh Capital Administration
On 27 November 2019, the Build4People researchers and members of the Build4People Scientific Advisory Board met with representatives of Phnom Penh Capital Administration at Phnom Penh City Hall to discuss cooperation. Thereby, Vannak Seng, General Secretary of Phnom Penh Capital Administration, introduced about challenges in regard of sustainable urban development. Rolf Messerschmidt, CEO of EMP, introduced the Ecocity Transition Lab as tool to develop criteria towards sustainable urban development.
Read here for more information on this event
26 November 2019
Successful Build4People project launch & conference
The main objective of this conference was to introduce about the innovative long-term Build4People project funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research. It was attended by about 120 people from leading government agencies such as Phnom Penh Capital Administration, from representatives of the corporate sector such as from innovative architecture firms and from representatives of all major universities of Cambodia, first to be mentioned the Royal University of Phnom Penh.
Read here for more information on this event
23 November 2019
Publication of the first video clip introducing the Build4People project
This clip introduces the project „Build4People: Sustainable Buildings for People – Enhancing Quality of Urban Life in Cambodia“ funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It has been produced by the Phnom Penh based company Studio4 under the guidance of the University of Hamburg.
17 November 2019
Presentation „Copenhagenize Hamburg – Jan Gehl’s Vision of a City for People“
As part of an event series called „Lecture for All“ as part of the 100th birthday of the University of Hamburg I gave a presentation about „Copenhagenize Hamburg – Jan Gehl’s Vision of a City for People“ at a neighbourhood cultural centre in the North-West of Hamburg. Thanks to the amazing audience, I witnessed a very lively and vibrant discussion. #brakula #copenhagenizehamburg
06 November 2019
Publication of the first video clip showing the project progress of our BMBF-funded CAMaRSEC-project.
This clip documents our starter conference & the inauguration of the Competence Centre for Sustainable Building in Vietnam (CCSB-VN) at NUCE.
It has been produced by the environmental NGO GreenID under the guidance of the University of Hamburg represented by Ms. Carolin Pleines and me.

05 November 2019
Opening of the exhibition „Urban Change in Vietnam – Việt Nam trong quá trình biến đổi đô thị“ at Deutsches Haus Ho Chi Minh City
The exhibition „Urban Change in Vietnam“ has also been published online at flickr.
04 November 2019
Meeting with Phnom Penh City Hall representatives in the context of the Build4People project
01 November 2019
Keynote speech at ICBM2019 Conference, Hanoi
10 October 2019
Opening of the Competence Centre for Sustainable Building Việt Nam (CCSB-VN)
As part of the starter conference of the BMBF funded CAMaRSEC project (Climate-Adapted Material Research for the Socio-Economic Context of Vietnam) on 10 October 2019, I had the honour to officially open the Competence Centre for Sustainable Building Việt Nam (CCSB-VN) together with the Vice-Rector of the National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE) in Hanoi.
01 October 2019
Kick-off Meeting of Build4People Project at Hamburg University
From 30 September to 2 October the Germany-based Build4People project members met for a kick-off workshop at the University of Hamburg. The group was joined by Dr Heike Bauer and Thilo Ringler from the DLR Project Management Agency.
As project manager I presented the project approach and gave an update on recent activities, including recent research visits and bi-lateral discussions with the Cambodian partners.
The local project coordinator Dr Susanne Bodach informed the researchers on the latest developments in Cambodia and about relevant stakeholders in Phnom Penh.
The research partners furthermore discussed future research activities, data management and a joint publication strategy.
30 September 2019
Homepage of Build4People project published
I am very glad, that the homepage of our BMBF funded Build4People project went online:
27 September 2019
Presentation at the EU funded Hamburg Climate Week
Happy to present at EU funded Hamburg Climate Week about the topic „Copehagenize Hamburg?“ at Hamburg Rathausmarkt.
23 September 2019
Issue No. 52 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
06 June 2019
Job offer: CAMaRSEC project / expert on sustainable building / urban development
I am currently looking for a research associate (TVL 13; 70% part-time) from 01 August 2019.
The position is part of the project „Climate-Adapted Material Research for the Socio-Economic Context of Vietnam – Enabling Research and Development for Sustainable Buildings in the socio-economic context of Vietnam (CAMaRSEC)“. This research project (support code: 01LZ1804B) is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Leader of the consortium: Dr. Dirk Schwede / University of Stuttgart. I am recognized research partner within this project and leader of the sub-project 2 with the title: “socio-economic dimension / governance of sustainable building / impact management”. Main local partners are the National University of Civil Engineering (Trường Đại học xây dựng, NUCE) and the Vietnamese Institute of Building Materials (Viện Vật liệu xây dựng, VIBM), both based in Hanoi and the Ton Duc Thang University (Đại học Tôn Đức Thắng, TDTU) based in Ho Chi Minh City.
Detailed information on the job offer (in German language only)
Application deadline is 24 June 2019.
30 April 2019
Job offer: Build4People project / expert on sustainable urban development
I am currently looking for a research associate (TVL 13; 60%-65% part-time) from 01 August 2019.
The position is part of a long-term interdisciplinary research project funded by the BMBF on „Build4People: Sustainable Buildings for People – Improving Urban Quality of Life in Cambodia“ (project flyer). The overall project examines and promotes the development of sustainable buildings as well as concepts for sustainable urban development from a people-centered perspective. Work Package 6 explores the topic of „Sustainable Urban Transformation“ through analytical governance approaches, with the aim of contributing to improving the urban quality of life of Phnom Penh’s citizens.
- Conceptualization of the „Sustainable Urban Transformation“ and application to the Southeast Asian context.
- Carrying out media analyzes, interviews and expert discussions.
- Use of stakeholder and analytical governance approaches.
- Participation in the planning, implementation and documentation of interdisciplinary round-table workshops and conferences in the project region.
- Participation in a Green School Demonstration Project in Phnom Penh focusing on Education for Sustainable Development.
- Participate in capacity development at the local cooperation partner, the Royal University of Phnom Penh.
- Publication of research results in basic reports for the grantor, in scientific journals and other relevant public ations; presentation of results at scientific conferences.
Due to the duration of the first project phase, the position will be limited until 31.12.2020. It is desired that the employee seeks a PhD in a cooperative process.
Application deadline is 22 May 2019.
More information on the job offer (in German language only)
08 March 2019
Issue No. 51 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
03 March 2019
The exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities in Transition“ is shown at Buxtehude
From 04 – 15 March 2019, the exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities in Transition“ will be shown at Halepaghen-Schule (Konopkastraße 5, 21614 Buxtehude) in Buxtehude / Lower Saxony. Much thanks to the teacher Manuela Holzmüller for organizing this.
29 January 2019
The exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities in Transition“ is shown at Neustadt in Holstein and at Marne
From 01 – 23 February 2019, the exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities in Transition“ will be shown at the Municipal Library of Neustadt in Holstein. From 02 – 23 March 2019, it will be shown at the local museum (Heimatmuseum) of Marne. Thanks to Peter Schlieper of German-Chinese Friendship Society in Oldenburg for organizing this.
Some impressions of the poster exhibition „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“ shown at the Municipal Library of Neustadt in Holstein in February 2019
no images were found
Source of all photos: © Peter Schlieper 2019
23 December 2018
Season’s Greetings
08 December 2018
Interview about the topic of housing published at the newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt
as part of the series „100 questions“ of the local newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt I got interviewed about the topic of housing together with a colleague from the field of sociology. This is the link to the article (published in German only)
27 November 2018
Reviewer Meeting at DAAD Regional Office Hanoi
Very grateful, that I got invited to become member of a multi-disciplinary reviewer board in regard of interviews of candidates who want to do a PhD in Germany. It was a fruitful and inspiring experience.
17 November 2018
VII. St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum
Very grateful, that I got invited to join the VII. St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum from November 15–17, 2018. As a speaker, I did join the session on „Creative Spaces in Urban Environment“.
24 September 2018
The exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities in Transition“ is shown at Oldenburg
From 24 – 29 September 2018, the exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities in Transition“ will be shown at famila Einkaufsland Wechloy, Oldenburg. This innovative approach of modern science communication has been initiated by the German-Chinese Friendship Society in Oldenburg. I am very grateful to them.
Some impressions of the exhibition venue
no images were found
17 September 2018
Issue No. 50 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
02 September 2018
Keynote speech at an international conference at Long Xuyên City, Vietnam
On 30 August 2018, I gave a keynote speech at an international conference at An Giang University, thành phố Long Xuyên, Việt Nam. I presented about „Development perspectives of the Mekong Delta – experience from the Mekong Delta Regional Plan 2030 with a focus on demographics“. I am very grateful to Prof. Dr. Detlev Briesen of Gießen University for inviting me to this exciting event and to German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for covering of all of the related travel expenses.
Some impressions of the conference
no images were found
23 August 2018
Chinatime Hamburg 2018: 8th edition of the exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities in Transition“ published
From 03 September till 28 September 2018 the 8th edition of the exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities in Transition“ will be shown at the ground floor of the Geomatikum building, Bundesstraße 55, University of Hamburg. It is part of the event series Chinatime Hamburg 2018.
The exhibition has 4 main topics:
- Overview of China
- Architecture & Urban Development
- Environment & Sustainability
- Creative and Cultural Spaces
Preview of the Chinatime 2018 exhibition at flickr
27 March 2018
Issue No. 49 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
09 February 2018
Build4People Project: Meeting with Vice-Governor of City Hall of Phnom Penh
As part of the activities of the BMBF-funded Build4People project I met his Excellency, the Vice-Governor of the Capital City Hall of Phnom Penh, Dr. Aunny Ieng, and got him convinced of our innovative project approach.
19 December 2017
Season’s Greetings
03 November 2017
Issue No. 48 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
18 October 2017
Goethe-Institut Vietnam:
Call for Contributions – Hanoi Photo Book 2nd updated edition
The Goethe-Institut Hanoi extends an invitation to Hanoians to contribute their photographs to an updated edition of Hanoi Capital City, the photo book that visualizes the dynamic development and abundant cultural life of Hanoi.
The book will be in English and Vietnamese and includes the following chapters:
- Hanoi from above
- Change over Time (timeline photos from the past 25 years)
- Architecture & Housing
- People of the City
- Urban Transport
- Soul of the City
We are seeking images that reflect traditions, contemporary culture and the identity of Vietnam’s capital city and this call for contributions particularly applies to chapter six: SOUL OF THE CITY. We encourage you to make use of the upcoming golden autumn in Hanoi City!
In addition to the book publication the Goethe-Institut Hanoi will hold a photo exhibition entitled “My Hà Nội” with photos selected for the SOUL OF THE CITY chapter. The book launching event will be for the Frankfurt Book Fair, the exhibition in early October 2018.
Deadline for submission of photos is December 31, 2017.
Contact of the editor:
- Link to web-site of Goethe-Institut with complete call for contributions (English language) (German) (Vietnamese)
01 September 2017
Approval of a new research project to promote sustainable buildings in Cambodia
The German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) approves the proposal of the project“Sustainable Buildings for People – Enhancing Urban Quality of Life in Cambodia (Build4People). Preparation project (support code: 01DP17053). I am leader of the consortium and guiding the work packages „sustainable urban transformation“ and „coordination, communication and dissemination“. Consortium partners are the Department of Environmental Psychology, Madgeburg University (Dr. Anke Blöbaum / Prof. Dr. Ellen Matthies) doing the work package „behaviour change“, Stuttgart University (Dr. Dirk Schwede), work package „sustainable building“, SME „Eble Messerschmidt Partner (EMP)“, work package „sustainable neighbourhoods“, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund), work package „urban green“ and the SME „Institute for Climate and Energy Concepts (INKEK)“ (Prof. Dr. Lutz Katzner / Sebastian Kupski) doing the work package „urban climate“.
This is a current overview of the German consortium and partnership structures: English language / Deutsch.
Please download our Build4People project flyer.
19 July 2017
Issue No. 47 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
07 June 2017
Facelift of web-sites of Pacific Geographies (PG) and of Association of Pacific Studies (APSA e.V.)
The web-site of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES and of the non-profit Association of Pacific Studies (APSA e.V.) received a facelift and can now be administred via a modern content management system.
25 April 2017
Workshop in the context of the BMBF funded project “Climate-Adapted Material Research for the Socio-Economic Context of Vietnam (CAMaRSEC)”
Group picture together with Dr. Dirk Schwede (Stuttgart University) and Andreas Zegowitz (Fraunhofer IBP, Stuttgart) at National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE), TP. Hà Nội, Việt Nam.
16 March 2017
Lauching event of new book publication „Phnom Penh: CAPITAL CITY“
Photo book „Phnom Penh: CAPITAL CITY“, direct link to:
- (Europe)
- (U.S.)
06 March 2017
Nomination as honory member of the Heritage Observatory Association
25 January 2017
Poster Exhibition 2017: Results of Field Trip „Sustainable Development & Climate Change in Vietnam & Cambodia“
This poster exhibition is showing the results of the field trip „Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Vietnam & Cambodia“ during summer term 2016. The field trip took place from 18 September 2016 – 04 October 2016. The sites visited have been Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam‘s first mega city and its most dynamic and most globalised urban space, Phnom Penh, Cambodia‘s capital city, the Mekong Delta, the rice bowl of Vietnam, and Phu Quoc which shall be developed into a major tourism hub of Southeast Asia. All those areas have in common that they already are and will be even more affected by global climate change including extreme weather events. Altogether four working groups investigated aspects of adaptation, mitigation, urban livability and sustainable tourism in cooperation with students from Faculty of Geography of Ho Chi Minh University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
The exhibition will be shown from 26 January till 10 February 2017 at the ground floor of the Department of Geography at Göttingen University.
- View all posters of this exhibition on flickr
07 November 2016
Poster Exhibition: Chinatime Hamburg 2016: Chinas Metropolen im Wandel: Die Zweite Transformation (变化中的中国都市) – 7th updated edition
no images were found
Die Ausstellung ist Bestandteil der Veranstaltungsreihe „Chinatime Hamburg 2016“, organisiert vom Senat der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Sie wird am Geomatikum der Universität Hamburg (Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg) vom 7. November bis 2. Dezember 2016 ausgestellt.
31 October 2016
Issue No. 46 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
14 September 2016
Lauching event of new book publication „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City – Edition 2017“ on 09 October 2016
The third updated edition of “TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City” will be presented during a matinee event at Salon Van Hoa Ca Phe Thu Bay in TP. Hồ Chí Minh on 09 October 2016. Host is the Goethe-Institut Vietnam. Dr. Đỗ Phú Hưng, Dean of Faculty of Urban Planning at Ho Chi Minh University of Architecture will give a guest lecture about the topic „Challenges for sustainable urban development in Vietnam“.
The Goethe Institute Vietnam published a 4:00-minute video trailer of the photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City – 3rd edition 2017“ on its youtube channel.
Photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City“- 3rd edition 2017″, direct link to:
Interview about the photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City – 3rd edition 2017“ published at Saigoneer on 20 October 2016
Interview about the photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City – 3rd edition 2017“ published at Saigon Times on 29 October 2016
Báo điện tử Xây dựng Newspaper, 14 October 2016: Tiến sĩ Michael Waibel và cuốn sách „TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City – Edition 2017“.
Xay Dung E-Newspaper, 14 October 2016: Interviewing the author of TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City – Edition 2017.
20 June 2016
Acknowledgement by German Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF)
2016: Certificate to honour 25 successful activities within the Science Year 2015 „Future of the City“, organized by the German Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF)
08 April 2016
The new publication „Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City“ is out
Foreword of the editor Michael Waibel
Developed in joint cooperation with Goethe-Institut Vietnam, the main aim of this publication is to visualize recent urban change of the coastal city of Da Nang, the most dynamic economic hub of Central Vietnam. Given the rich cultural heritage found in the surrounding areas of Hoi An, Hue, the Marble Mountains and My Son are also being covered. The contents and format of this book builds upon the first two successful photo books of this series ‘TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City’ (2014) and ‘Hà Nội: CAPITAL City’ (2015).Through our five chapters, we approach the city from various distances and by means of different topics. With our first chapter we show you spectacular views from above; we introduce you, in another chapter, to some of the urban citizens of Da Nang, Hoi An and Hue, bring you into their private living environments, and share some details about their life. The chapter ‘Change over Time’ illustrates the massive changes the physical fabric has experienced in the past 25 years. Approximately 600 images invite you to explore the many facets of the whole of Central Vietnam. In addition to the visual illustrations, this publication has assembled some essays by local residents.The editor would like to express his sincere gratitude to each person who contributed photographs or essays, as well as the translators and copy editors who gave their time and effort. I am particular grateful to Thomas Weingärtner and to Robert Kramreiter from Hoi An. Both were invaluable sources of information, provided access to their personal network and contributed many photos. My biggest thanks are dedicated to Astrid Schulz, a professional photographer from London. In summer 2015 she travelled to Vietnam for more than five weeks to do her unique people portraits. Astrid did this for the third time already without demanding any honorarium. And finally my thanks go to the Goethe-Institut and to AUDI Vietnam which have generously supported the successful development of this publication.
The Goethe Institute Vietnam published a 4:30-minute video trailer of the photo book „Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City“ on its youtube channel.
- PR-card of photo book “Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City”
- Launching event of the photo book „Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City“, General Scientific Library of Da Nang City / Vietnam, 28 March 2016
- Launching event of the photo book „Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City“, Goethe Institute Hanoi / Vietnam, 29 March 2016
- VTV4, 06 April 2016: Ra mắt sách ảnh “Đà Nẵng – Thành phố biển”
- VTV4, Culture Mosaic, 22 April 2016: Feature „Vietnam’s urbanisation seen through foreign eyes“ (min 13:04-22:33).
- Saigoneer, 06 April 2016: ‚Da Nang: COASTAL City‘ – Change Over Time
- Bao Xay Dung, 02 April 2016: The book “Da Nang: Coastal City”: Amazing love
- Voice of Vietnam (VOV), 01 April 2016: Goethe Institute releases 3rd photo book on Vietnam
- Saigoneer, 30 March 2016: ‚Da Nang: COASTAL City‘ – Views From Above.
- Order the “Đà Nẵng: COASTAL City”-publication at amazon web-site (
20 February 2016
Special Issue of the journal „Geographische Rundschau“ 2-2016
The February issue of the journal Geographische Rundschau (Westermann Publishing House) ist out dealing with countries of former Indo-China. I was selected as moderator of this issue. Topics covered deal with sustainable urban development, land grabbing, tourism development and ecological problem of shrimp-farming.
02 December 2015
Publication „Sustainable Ho Chi Minh City: Climate Policies for Emerging Mega Cities“ published through Springer
Finally, a publication is out, showing key results of our project “Integrative Adaptation Planning Framework for Climate Urban Environment of Ho Chi Minh City – Sustainable Strategies for Energy- and Climate-Efficient and Housing Typologies for Mega-Cities of Tomorrow” . This project got funded by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) within the funding programme “Research for the Sustainable Development of the Megacities of Tomorrow – Energy- and climate-efficient structures in urban growth centres”.
Bibliographical information:
Katzschner, A., Waibel, M., Schwede, D., Katzschner, L., Schmidt, M., Storch, H. (Eds.) (2015) Sustainable Ho Chi Minh City: Climate Policies for Emerging Mega Cities. Springer Publishing House. ISBN: 978-3-319-0414-3.
15 October 2015
Funding support of poster exhibition „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“ from the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the context of the Science Year 2015 „City of the Future“
The 6th edition of the poster exhibition „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel: Die Zweite Transformation“ has received a grant from the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the context of the Science Year 2015 with the topic „City of the Future“. For the first time China is the partner country of this initiative. Through the federal funding altogether 24 schools will receive the opportunity to exhibit the posters and to invite the curator Dr. Michael Waibel to give an introductory presentation at no costs for them.
Annoucement at the web-site of the Science Year 2015, 29 October 2015: Ausstellung „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“: Schulen in Hamburg und Niedersachsen können Ausstellung und Einführungsvortrag zu „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“ kostenlos buchen.
Please have a preview at the 6th edition of the exhibition posters at flickr
29 September 2015
Issue No. 44 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
24 September 2015
The photo book “Hà Nội: CAPITAL City” receives the 2015 „Bùi Xuân Phái – Love for Hanoi“-Award
It is a great pleasure and honour to announce that the “Hà Nội: CAPITAL City” photo book has received the 2015 „Bùi Xuân Phái – Love for Hanoi“-Award in the category „Best Works“ on 23 September.
Since 2008, the Newspaper Sports & Culture of Vietnam News Agency, together with the descendants of Vietnam’s most famous painter Bùi Xuân Phái, award this prize to projects which are dedicated to increase awareness and to contribute to the beauty of Hanoi City. I am the first German to receive this prestigious award.
More information see:
24 June 2015
Photo books now available at Amazon
After the container shipping from Vietnam has arrived at Hamburg, our photo books are now available via amazon. Thanks to Mr. Juergen Braunbach from Schenker Vietnam for supporting us in terms of transportation.
Photo book „Hà Nội: CAPITAL City“ (1st ed.), direct link to:
Photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh: MEGA City“ (2nd ed.), direct link to:
06 June 2015
Interview published at magazine Saigon Times Weekly
- Download pdf-file of this interview
11 May 2015
Exhibition about creative and cultural urban spaces in Chinese cities shown at Konfuzius-Institut Bremen
From 11 May 2015 on, 16 posters about creative and cultural urban spaces in Chinese cities as part of the exhibition „Chinese Cities in Transition“ are shown at Konfuzius Institut Bremen. I will give a presentation there on 27 May 2015. To get more information on that pls. have a look at the web-site of Konfuzius Institut Bremen.
16 March 2015
Hand-over of the 2nd edition of the “TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City” photo book to the President of the Bundestag, Prof. Nobert Lammert
On 16 March 2015, the President of the Bundestag (German Parliament), Prof. Norbert Lammert, received one copy of the 2nd edition of the photo book “TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City” during a ceremony at the Vietnamese-German University (VGU).
15 March 2015
TV-Interview in the context of the book launch „Hà Nội: CAPITAL CITY“
- NetViet / VT10, Sharing Vietnam: 15 min TV feature introducing about the photo book “Hà Nội: Capital City”
- TV-Interview on YouTube
06 March 2015
Release of video trailer of the photo book „Hà Nội: CAPITAL CITY“
The Goethe Institute Vietnam published a 5-minute video trailer of the photo book „Hà Nội: CAPITAL CITY“ on its youtube channel:
24 February 2015
Issue No. 43 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
27 January 2015
Launching events of photo book „Hà Nội: CAPITAL CITY“ on 6 March 2015 & 8 March 2015
Hanoi, city of the rising dragon, has a history stretching back for a thousand years. All significant turning points in Vietnam’s history have left their mark on the city. Hanoi has kept its soul. Visitors sense it as well, the marked contrast to other Southeast Asian cities with their freeways and concrete jungles, marvelling at Hanoi’s many squares and small parks, the tree-lined avenues with their leafy canopies, the bustling neighbourhoods and the endless stream of motorbikes. Hanoi’s growth and economic development is at a crossroads, though. How can Hanoi position itself as a world-class city in global competition without giving up its rich cultural and urban-architectural heritage? The city has further to live up to the demands of the higher living standards of its citizens; has to cope with the constant migration of the rural population to the city; overcome its traffic problems and, last but not least, provide an attractive location for international investors and knowledge-based industries. The challenge for Hanoi is to build on its uniqueness under global competition, instead of just falling back on it.
The main aim of the photo book “Hà Nội: CAPITAL City” developed in joint cooperation with Goethe Institute Vietnam is to visualize the recent urban change from a comprehensive spatial and social perspective and finally to contribute to a more sustainable development, in general.
The second book of this series introducing now about Hanoi’s recent urban development has an attractive coffee table book format and has been published in three languages, in Vietnamese, German and English. It contains over 600 photos illustrating the multi-facetted and vibrant city from a variety of perspectives – from bird’s eye views to portraits of its inhabitants. In addition to the visual illustrations, this publication has assembled some essays by Hanoi residents who share their personal perspective and reflect diverse, multigenerational points of view.
Its format, contents and design builds upon the highly successful photo book “TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City” published in early 2014 in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut.
- 06 March 2015: Launching Event of the Photo Book „Hà Nội: Capital City“, Goethe Institute Hanoi / Vietnam
- 08 March 2015: Launching Event of the Photo Book „Hà Nội: Capital City“, Salon Văn Hóa Cà Phê Thứ Bảy, Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam
- 15 March 2015: NetViet / VT10: Sharing Vietnam (15 min TV feature introducing about the photo book „Hà Nội: Capital City“
- PR-card of photo book “Hà Nội: CAPITAL City”
- Order the “Hà Nội: CAPITAL City”-publication at amazon web-site (
19 December 2014
Hand-over of publication „TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City“ to Vice-Minister of National Ministry of Construction of Vietnam
Hand-over of the first edition of the publication “TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City” to Vice-Minister Phan Thi My Linh from the National Ministry of Construction during the international conference „Planning concepts for revised Ho Chi Minh City Regional Plan 2030 and Vision 2050“, 19 December 2014, TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam.
21 November 2014
Hand-over of publication „TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City“ to German Vice-Chancellor
Sigmar Gabriel, German Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy receives the first edition of our book during a talk with students from Vietnamese-German University VGU on 21 November 2104.
13 October 2014
Opening of Poster Exhibition: Chinas Metropolen im Wandel: Die Zweite Transformation (变化中的中国都市) (5th edition)
- View all posters of this exhibition on flickr
- PR-flyer / information leaflet (pdf-file)
- PR-poster of the exhibition
- Announcement of the PR-office of the University of Hamburg, 13 October 2014: Poster- und Fotoausstellung „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel: Die Zweite Transformation“ (pdf-file)
30 September 2014
International Conference „Creativitiy and the City“ at Goethe-Institut Hanoi
The promotion of creativity is a key asset for economic upgrading and for providing new jobs all over the world. Vietnam is no exception to this. In this context, creative spaces offer huge chances: Their galleries, artist studios, craft shops, design studios as well as bars, restaurants, and cafés may form a vibrant and attractive neighborhood. Such creative spaces may also serve as a visual spatial symbol of city marketing, which contribute to build an image of a modern and cosmopolitan metropolis against the backdrop of increasing global city competition.
The core objective of this conference is to gain a better understanding of the potential creative spaces have to contribute to the further urban development of Vietnam and what is needed to promote this. Role models of such creative hubs will be presented from other countries in Southeast Asia or from western countries such as the UK and Germany. It will be further discussed what can be learned from these case studies. Target groups are policy makers from a national and local level, companies and associations of creative professionals, scientists, representatives from non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions, architectural and urban planning offices as well as the general public.
In addition, the poster exhibition „Creativity in the Cities“ depicting creative spaces in East and Southeast Asia and Europe will exemplify the potential of creativity in the city. The opening of the exhibition and the screening of three documentaries will take place in the evening of 30 September 2014.
The organizer of this conference is the Goethe-Institut Hanoi. The scientific organization is in the hands of Dr. Michael Waibel, a senior researcher and project leader from Hamburg University. Co-hosts are the Ministry for Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam, British Council and UNESCO.
- Event at web-site of Goethe-Institut Vietnam
- Programme of the conference
- Conference proceedings volume
- Poster exhibition „Creativity in the Cities“ on flickr
- Short-movie about the conference on youtube
- Vietnam Television (VTV) documentation about conference on youtube
19 September 2014
Call for Sponsorship: 2nd Edition of Ho Chi Minh City Photo Book
After the initial success of the first coffee table edition published in February 2014, a second updated edition will be available, this time in a smaller, lightweight format with less pages for greater portability.
A memorable and premium present for your business associates, colleagues, VIP clients, friends and family.
Order early for your customized copies with your company logo on the cover for your corporate holiday and Tết gift giving needs!
20 March 2014
Call for Contributions for Publication: Hà Nội: CAPITAL CITY
Hanoi, Vietnam’s capital city, is one of the most beautiful urban sites in Southeast Asia. Already in the year 1010 it got founded under the name of “Thang Long”, as seat of the Vietnamese emperor in the midst of the Red River delta. Various historic influences mix there and form an inspiring mélange of different architecture: relics of stately grandeur from the imperial era, the lavish boulevards, lined with trees, from French colonial rule; ostentatious villas in quiet gardens; numerous peaceful pagodas; uncountable representative buildings from the peak of socialist planned economy; and new buildings signalling the capitalist economy, growth and Đổi mới. The City Council has ambitious plans: its goal is to develop Hanoi into a modern and “civilized” metropolis (văn minh đô thị). Hanoi has been growing not only economically, but also geographically. Hà Tây, the former neighbouring province west of the city, and other smaller provinces around Hanoi have been absorbed into the metropolis since 2008.
Hanoi, Vietnam’s capital city, is one of the most beautiful urban sites in Southeast Asia. Already in the year 1010 it got founded under the name of “Thang Long”, as seat of the Vietnamese emperor in the midst of the Red River delta. Various historic influences mix there and form an inspiring mélange of different architecture: relics of stately grandeur from the imperial era, the lavish boulevards, lined with trees, from French colonial rule; ostentatious villas in quiet gardens; numerous peaceful pagodas; uncountable representative buildings from the peak of socialist planned economy; and new buildings signalling the capitalist economy, growth and Đổi mới. The City Council has ambitious plans: its goal is to develop Hanoi into a modern and “civilized” metropolis (văn minh đô thị). Hanoi has been growing not only economically, but also geographically. Hà Tây, the former neighbouring province west of the city, and other smaller provinces around Hanoi have been absorbed into the metropolis since 2008.
Hanoi, Vietnam’s capital city, is one of the most beautiful urban sites in Southeast Asia. Already in the year 1010 it got founded under the name of “Thang Long”, as seat of the Vietnamese emperor in the midst of the Red River delta. Various historic influences mix there and form an inspiring mélange of different architecture: relics of stately grandeur from the imperial era, the lavish boulevards, lined with trees, from French colonial rule; ostentatious villas in quiet gardens; numerous peaceful pagodas; uncountable representative buildings from the peak of socialist planned economy; and new buildings signalling the capitalist economy, growth and Đổi mới. The City Council has ambitious plans: its goal is to develop Hanoi into a modern and “civilized” metropolis (văn minh đô thị). Hanoi has been growing not only economically, but also geographically. Hà Tây, the former neighbouring province west of the city, and other smaller provinces around Hanoi have been absorbed into the metropolis since 2008.
Hanoi’s growth and economic development is at a crossroads, though. How can Hanoi position itself as a world-class city in global competition without giving up its rich cultural and urban-architectural heritage? The city has further to live up to the demands of the higher living standards of its citizens; has to cope with the constant migration of the rural population to the city; overcome its traffic problems and, last but not least, provide an attractive location for international investors and knowledge-based industries. The charms of the inner city might be an attraction to the much wooed creative classes that should not be underestimated. In general, the challenge for Hanoi is to build on its uniqueness under global competition, instead of just falling back on it.
The main aim of the photo book “Hà Nội: CAPITAL City” developed in joint cooperation with Goethe Institute Vietnam is to visualize the recent urban change from a comprehensive spatial and social perspective and finally to contribute to a more sustainable development, in general. Given the rich history of Hanoi also aspects of heritage, art, culture and of the villages in the red river delta with traditional linkages to the capital city will be covered.
Its format, contents and design builds upon the highly successful photo book “TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City” published in early 2014 in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut.
04 March 2014
Information on PR-activities in the context of the photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA CITY“
- 10.03.-16.03.2014, the poster exhibition „TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City“ is shown at the courtyard of Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture
- 03.03.2014, presentation at GBA Monthly Meeting in HCMC at Moevenpick Hotel Saigon
- 27.02.2014, presentation at Faculty of Geography and Faculty of Urban Studies at University of Social Sciences and Humanities, HCMC
- 26.02.2014, presentation at Vietnamese-German University (VGU), Sustainable Urban Development Course
- 23.02.2014, Launching Event of the Photo Book „TP. Ho Chi Minh MEGA City“, Salon Văn Hóa Cà Phê Thứ Bảy, Ho Chi Minh City
- 21.02.2014, Hand-over of the photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA City“ to the mayor of Ho Chi Minh City in the course of an event organised by EuroCham Vietnam on 21 Feb. 2014 (see picture below)
- 21.02.2014, presentation at Faculty of Urban Management of National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), Hanoi
- 19.02.2014, Launching Event of the Photo Book „TP. Ho Chi Minh MEGA City“, Goethe Institute Hanoi / Vietnam
28 January 2014
Publication of Photo Book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA CITY“
The photo book „TP. Hồ Chí Minh MEGA CITY“ (edited together with Henning Hilbert) is finally out after almost one year of preparation. It got endorsed by the Ho Chi Minh University of Architecture, the National University of Social Sciences and Humanities, the Department of Construction, the Southern Sub-Institute for Urban and Rural Planning, the Vietnamese-German University and the Association of Pacific Studies. Media Partner is Saigoneer.
- Order information via (e.g. for shipping to U.S.)
- Order information via (e.g. for within Europe)
14 January 2014
Exhibition „China’s Mega Cities: The 2nd Transition“ shown at the Confucius Institute at the Free University of Berlin
From 13 February 2014 till 30 April 2014, the poster and photo exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities: The 2nd Transition“ will be shown at the Confucius Institute at the Free University of Berlin (Konfuzius-Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin, Goßlerstraße 2-4, 14195 Berlin). The local coordinator is Nathalie van Looy.
06 January 2014
Selection as member of the International Board of Directors for the Asian Urban Research Association
Today, I feel very much honoured because I was offered to serve as member of the International Board of Directors for the Asian Urban Research Association (AURA)
16 December 2013
Issue No. 41 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
19 September 2013
The Vietnamese edition of the Handbook for Green Products is published
In the context of the Green-Biz 2013 conference and exhibition organised by European Chamber of Commerce in Hanoi from 19-20 September, the Vietnamese edition of the Handbook for Green Products has been officially launched. It is a tangible product of the Megacity Project TP. Ho Chi Minh. Among other it could gain support from Schneider Electric, Philips, KfW Vietnam, European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham) and the Vietnam National Efficiency and Conservation Programme (VNEEP).
Waibel, M. (biên tập) (2013) Sổ tay sản phẩm xanh: Giải pháp tối ưu của các doanh nghiệp nhằm thích ứng khí hậu và công trình sử dụng năng lượng hiệu quả ở Việt Nam. Phiên bản 2: sản phẩm kĩ thuật-xây dựng cho ngôi nhà xanh và dịch vụ xanh. Nhà xuất bản Giao thông vận tải, Hà Nội / Việt Nam. 72 trang. ISBN 978-604-76-0060-0.
- PR-announcement of the Handbook for Green Products (in Vietnamese & English language)
Slide Show of whole contents
25 July 2013
Issue No. 40 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES has been published.
04 June 2013
The English edition of the Handbook for Green Products is published
The Handbook for Green Products provides information in an accessible format about technical and constructive products solutions and services for climate-adapted and energy-efficient commercial and residential buildings in Vietnam. It gives Vietnamese small- and medium-sized companies in particular a unique chance to explain the general relevance of their innovative products and their specific relevance for Vietnam in a consumer-friendly way.
Its visual and content design builds upon the highly successful Handbook for Green Housing, published by our team in 2011. Like the Handbook for Green Housing, this tangible product pursues a bottom-up approach by trying to convince people rather than to force them by regulations. We firmly believe that behaviour change is the key to sustainability. The most important local cooperation partner regarding funding support and dissemination is the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam.
Waibel, M. (ed.) (2013) Handbook for Green Products. High-Quality Company Solutions towards Climate-Adapted Housing and Energy-Efficient Buildings in Vietnam. Edition 2: Technical Constructive Green Housing Products and Green Services. Hanoi, Vietnam: Transport Publishing House, 68 p. ISBN 978-604-76-0054-0.
- Action Brief HCM-AB6introducing about the approach and the foreseen impact of the Handbook for Green Products.
- Slide Show of whole contents
08 April 2013
Edited Volume „Ho Chi Minh MEGA City“ out for publication
Waibel, M. (ed.) (2013) Ho Chi Minh MEGA City. Schriftenreihe PAZIFIK FORUM der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V.; Volume 14, Regiospectra Verlag, Berlin, 274 p. ISBN 978-3-9401-3255-0.
01 April 2013
Kick-off for Lecture at National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), Hanoi
On 1th April, my lecture series about „Urban Green Governance“ officially started at the National Academy of Public Administration in Hanoi, Vietnam. This got funded by German DAAD and was part of a short-term appointment-ship at two universities in Vietnam. More information about this can be found at the page about lectures.
30 January 2013
Exhibition „China’s Mega Cities: The 2nd Transition“ opened at Halepaghen-Schule in Buxtehude
From 30 January 2013 till 28 February 2013, the poster and photo exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities: The 2nd Transition“ will be shown at Halepaghen-Schule in Buxtehude (Konopkastraße 5, 21614 Buxtehude). The local coordinator is Manuela Holzmüller.
27 December 2012
Issue No. 39 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific Geographies published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC GEOGRAPHIES which I am serving as editor-in-chief has been published
19 December 2012
Season’s Greetings

28 November 2012
Exhibition „China’s Mega Cities: The 2nd Transition“ opened at Vincent-Lübeck-Gymnasium in Stade
From 29 November 2012 till 20 December 2012, the poster and photo exhibition „Chinese Mega Cities: The 2nd Transition“ will be shown at Vincent-Lübeck-Gymnasium in Stade (Glückstädter Straße 4, 21682 Stade). The local coordinator is Nils Christian Schwarz.
6 November 2012
Poster- and Photo Exhibition: „China’s Mega Cities: The 2nd Transition“ opened at Duisburg University
From 6 November 2012 till 17 April 2013, this exhibition will be shown at the Institute of East Asien Studies of University Duisburg-Essen.
20 September 2012
Announcement about Conference „Green Housing in Vietnam between Tradition and Modernity“ at web-site of Goethe Institute, Hanoi
The Goethe Institute is announcing the conference „Green Housing in Vietnam between Tradition & Modernity“ at its web-site.
08 August 2012
Poster- and Photo Exhibition: „Chinese Mega Cities: The 2nd Transition“ (变化中的中国都市) opened at Hamburg University
- Announcement of the PR-office of the University of Hamburg, 7 August 2012: Chinas Metropolen im Wandel – Posterausstellung im Geomatikum
- Download information leaflet related to this exhibition
- view all posters of this exhibition on flickr
01 July 2012
Issue No. 38 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific News published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC NEWS which I am serving as editor-in-chief has been published.
26 June 2012
Book Flyer out of Edited Volume „Urban Informalities“
Ashgate book flyer as PDF-file
Ashgate website order form
14 May 2012
PR-Poster Design of Goethe Conference in Oktober 2012
The design of the PR-Poster of the international conference „Green Housing in Vietnam between Tradition & Modernity“ is ready. I am organizing this event on behalf of the Goethe-Institut Hanoi from 16-17 October 2012 in Hanoi.
4 May 2012
Poster and Photo Exhibition „Chinese Metropolis in Transition“ shown at two Schools in Lower Saxony
In April and May 2012, the third edition of the poster and photo exhibition „Chinese Metropolis in Transition“ was shown at Europaschule Gymnasium Bad Nenndorf (5.05.2012 – 2.06.2012: Europaschule Gymnasium Bad Nenndorf, Horster Str. 42, 31542 Bad Nenndorf) and Gymnasium Salzhausen (5.05.2012 – 26.05.2012: Gymnasium Salzhausen, Kreuzweg 33, 21376 Salzhausen). More info see press clippings.
16 February 2012
Poster and Photo Exhibition „Chinese Metropolis in Transition“ shown in Speyer City and in Dorsten City
In February and March 2012, the third edition of the poster and photo exhibition „Chinese Metropolis in Transition“ was shown in Speyer City (01.02.12 – 13.02.12: Historischer Ratssaal & Villa Ecarius, Maximilianstraße 12 & Bahnhofstraße 54, Speyer) and in Dorsten City (13.02.2012 – 10.03.2012: VHS Dorsten, Bildungszentrum Maria Lindenhof, Im Werth 6, 46282 Dorsten). More info see press clippings.
16 February 2012
Poster and Photo Exhibition „Chinese Metropolis in Transition“ shown at Otto-Hahn Gymnasium Göttingen
In January 2012, the third edition of the poster and photo exhibition „Chinese Metropolis in Transition“ was shown in Göttingen (8.01.2012 – 30.01.2012: Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium Göttingen, Carl-Zeiss-Straße 6, 37081 Göttingen). More info see press clippings.
16 December 2011
Issue No. 37 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific News published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC NEWS which I am serving as editor-in-chief has been published.
10 October 2011
Opening of Poster Exhibition Study Project 2011:
Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Development in Vietnam
This poster exhibition is showing the results of the study project “Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Development in Vietnam” from winter term 2010/2011. The study project took place in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City from 23 February 2011 – 10 March 2011. Altogether four bi-national working groups investigated aspects of adaptation, mitigation, sustainable consumption and livable cities in close partnership with students from Faculty of Geography of Hanoi University of Education and Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture, Faculty of Urban Planning.
- Download all exhibition posters as a PDF-file (18,2 MB)
- Scroll through all the exhibition posters:
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31 August 2011
Announcement: Poster Exhibition „MegaCities in Southeast Asia“
From 10 October till 5 November 2011, an exhibition with 26 large-scale posters will illustrate urban development related to mega-cities in Southeast Asia and introduce young people living within these metropolis. The poster exhibition has been developed by my working group on behalf of the Asia Foundation in Essen, Germany. In the coming year, it will be shown at high schools all around Germany (list of exhibition locations)
- (sorry in German): Die offizielle Eröffnungsveranstaltung mit einem einführenden PP-Vortrag zur Ausstellung findet während des Nacht des Wissens der Universität Hamburg am 29.10.2011 um 20 Uhr im Hörsaal 4, Geomatikum, Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg statt.
- Download information leaflet related to this exhibition
- Official press announcement of the Hamburg University, 17 October 2011
- Pre-view of the poster exhibition on flickr
- Download all exhibition posters as a PDF-file (30,8 MB)
- Scroll through all the exhibition posters:
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6 July 2011
Issue No. 36 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific News published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC NEWS which I am serving as editor-in-chief has been published.
18 May 2011
Opening of the poster and photo exhibition „Chinese Metropolis in Transition“ in Aachen
After having been shown in Hamburg and Lilienthal/Bremen, the poster- and photo exhibition „Chinese Metropolis in Transition“ has been opened by a introduction talk at Vikoriaschule in Aachen, Germany.
The whole poster series on flickr
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16 April 2011
Group Picture after joint session with colleagues from the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong at the AAG Annual Meeting in Seattle / Washington

08 March 2011
Group Picture after successful Vietnamese-German Workshop and Joint Fieldwork in Saigon
25 February 2011
Group Picture after successful Vietnamese-German Workshop in Hanoi
02 February 2011
17 January 2011
Opening of the Poster Exhibition Demographic Change in the City of Hann. Münden
This poster exhibition has been opened on 17 January and will be shown till the 10 February 2011 in the city hall of Hann. Münden. It shows results of a demographic prognosis till the year 2025 as well as informs about local action undertaken in the context of demographic change.
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6 December 2010
Issue No. 35 of the peer-reviewed journal Pacific News published
The latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal PACIFIC NEWS which I am serving as editor-in-chief has been published.
15 November 2010
Election into the Advisory Council of the German Association for Asian Studies
I got informed today, that the Board of Directors of the German Association for Asian Studies (DGA) has elected me as Scientific Advisor for the Region Southeast Asia and as regular peer of the German Journal on Contemporary Asia (ASIEN).
01 October 2010
Approval of Funding for the third phase of the DFG Priority Programme 1233
Priority Programme 1233 of the German Research Foundation (DFG): “Megacities – Megachallenge: Informal Dynamics of Global Change”; Approval of the sub-project “The Governance of Spatial and Economic Restructuring: Informal Dynamics of the Maturing Mega-City”. Implementation at the University of Hamburg, Department of Economic Geography: 2011-2013.
24 September 2010
Conference „Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Development in Vietnam“
From 14-15 September I have coordinated a conference on „Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Development in Vietnam“ at Goethe Institute Hanoi. This activity is part of the German Year in Vietnam for which the motto chosen is “City of the Future – Future of the City”.
Download Conference Flyer; Download Proceedings Publication (378 pages); Press Review of the conference
02 September 2010
Poster Exhibition CHINATIME Hamburg 2010: China’s Metropolis in Transition
This exhibition includes 24 posters. It has been developed as part of the CHINATIME Hamburg 2010 event series, coordinated by the Senate of Hamburg Municipality. It will be shown from 08 September – 22 October 2010 at the Geomatikum-building of Hamburg university and later on at several schools in the surroundings of Hamburg. It is financially supported by the Hamburg Innovation GmbH (HI)/Office of Information and Technology Transfer (AWITT), the Department of Geography at Hamburg University and the Association for Pacific Studies (APSA). See also press release „AUSSTELLUNG CHINAS METROPOLEN IM WANDEL“ of the PR-office of the University of Hamburg from 31 August 2010.
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Photo Exhibition 2010: China’s Metropolis in Transition
Three photo series illustrate the manigfold dynamics of recent urban development in China. The first photo series shows different pavillions at the EXPO2010-site in Shanghai. These photos have been shot by Andre Gantenbrink, student of Chinese studies and Geography at the University of Hamburg. The 2nd photo series shows people living within demolition areas at inner-city neighbourhoods in Beijing and in Shanghai from the year 2006. These photos have been shot by the professional photographer Frau Schumann from Dortmund. The 3rd photo series shows images from Guangzhou’s Textile District, an area currently under heavy redevelopment and economic restructuring processes. For example, factories for textile production are being torn down and new gigantic wholesale shopping are being erected there. The photos have been taken by members of the University of Hamburg from 2007 till 2010.
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30 August 2010
Opening of Poster Exhibition: Demographic Change in the County of Göttingen
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On 30 August 2010, the poster exhibition „Demographic Change in the County of Göttingen“ was officially opened on the ground floor of the Göttingen County Main Administrative Building at Reinhäuser Landstraße 4, 37083 Göttingen. It is shown from 30 August 2010 till 17 September 2010 at regular opening hours. I developed this exhibition together with my student assistent Arne Löprick. It shows results of a study on population development (prognosis 2025) I did for the Office of Planning, Building & Housing of Göttingen County in the year 2009. In the first quarter of 2011, an extended poster series with more specific results will be exhibited in the city of Duderstadt and the city of Hann. Münden.11 July 2010
Cello Concert at the Opera House of Hanoi as part of the German Year in Vietnam
During another study trip to Vietnam, I had the unique chance to attend a concert by the 12 cellists of the Berlin Philaharmonic Orchestra at the famous municipal opera house of Hanoi as part of the „Deutschlandjahr in Vietnam 2010“.
01 July 2010
Issue No. 34 of the regular magazine Pacific News published
The latest issue of the regular magazine PACIFIC NEWS which I am serving as editor-in-chief has been published. For the first time, a peer-review procedure has been introduced which shall ensure scientific standards.
24 June 2010
Press Review: Presentation on Demographic Change in Duderstadt
Eichsfelder Tageblatt, 22 June 2010: Mit dem Eichfeldbonus gegen Bevölkerungsschwund – Studie zur Entwicklung der Einwohnerzahl Duderstadts bis 2025 / Neben Risiken auch Chancen.
4 May 2010
Poster Exhibition ‚China’s Metropolis in Transition‘ at the University of Ulm
From 5 May bis 20 May 2010 the poster series „China’s Metropolis in Transition“ will be presented at the library of the University of Ulm. The local organizer is the International Office of the University of Ulm. Download of Flyer (China Wochen an der Universität Ulm).
30 April 2010
Poster Exhibition ‚China’s Metropolis in Transition‘ at the University of Duisburg-Essen
From 28 April bis 17 November 2010 the poster series „China’s Metropolis in Transition“ developed by Michael Waibel will be presented at the Institute of East Asian Studies IN-EAST of the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Confucius Institute Metropolis Ruhr. Download of Exhibition Flyer. Opening Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Institute of East Asian Studies, IN-EAST Universität Duisburg-Essen Campus Duisburg Forsthausweg, Building LE, 7th floor D-47057 Duisburg
22 April 2010
AAG-Meeting, Washington DC, 14-18 April 2010
From 15-19 April 2010, I was in Washington DC to take part in the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. There I gave two talks and was chair of a session on „Urban Governance in China – Application or Adaptation?“. Some leisure time to do sightseeing was left, as well – as can be observed below […]
27 March 2010
Cracking Bamboo Concert at the Opera House of Hanoi as part of the German Year in Vietnam
During a study trip to Vietnam, I had the unique opportunity to attend the Cracking Bamboo percussion concert at the famous municipal opera house of Hanoi as part of the „Deutschlandjahr in Vietnam 2010“.
06 March 2010
Successful Sino-German Workshop at the campus of Shenzhen University, China
14 February 2010
24 January 2010
Concert at the Opera House of Hanoi: Official opening of the German Year in Vietnam
During a study trip to Vietnam, I had the opportunity to attend a Beethoven concert at the famous municipal opera house of Hanoi. This was the official opening of the „Deutschlandjahr in Vietnam 2010“.
To this event series I will also contribute by means of the organisation of a conference on „Climate Change in Vietnam and Challenges for Sustainable Urban Development“ at the Goetheinstitut of Hanoi due to 14-15 September 2010.
22 December 2009
Issue No. 33 of the regular magazine Pacific News published
The regular magazine PACIFIC NEWS edited by Michael Waibel has been published. For the first time, the PACIFIC NEWS has been printed in Guangzhou/China and then been mailed to Germany. Further, it is the first time, that all articles published are in English.
17 December 2009
New homepage goes online
My new homepage finally goes online. I had been editing the old one since 1999. Now it was time to make a professional to introduce a new structure and to do a facelift. Comments and suggestions for further optimization are warmly welcome.
Please check out the integrated translation function which allows to read the contents even in Chinese or in Vietnamese.
Übersicht 2009 zur Posterausstellung „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“
Die vom Geographischen Institut der Universität Hamburg konzipierte und in Kooperation mit der NGO EU China Civil Society Forum realisierte Posterreihe zum Thema „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“ wurde im Jahr 2009 an folgenden Orten gezeigt:
- Hamburg, 4.12.-31.12.2009, Geomatikum der Universität Hamburg (Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg); Veranstalter: Geographisches Institut der Universität Hamburg & Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V. (APSA).
- Paderborn, 30.09.2009-31.10.2009 in der Stadtverwaltung Paderborn (Am Abdinghof 11, 33098 Paderborn)
- Bonn, 31.08.2009-23.09.2009 an der VHS in Bad Godesberg (City Terrassen, Michaelplatz 5); siehe auch Presse
- Dortmund, 4.06.09-30.06.2009 an der Geschwister Scholl Gesamtschule in Dortmund (Haferfeldstr. 3-5 44309 Dortmund),siehe auch Presse
- Wien, 23.03.09-27.03.2009 an der Pädogischen Hochschule in Wien (Ettenreichgasse 45a, A-1100 Wien); Veranstalter: Pädagogische Hochschule Wien & Südwind Agentur.
Die vom Geographischen Institut der Universität Hamburg in Kooperation mit der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V im Rahmen der CHINATIME Hamburg 2008 konzipierte Posterreihe zum Thema „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“ wurde 2008/2009 an folgenden Orten gezeigt:
- Rotenburg, 16.09.2009-31.10.2009, Foyer des Ratsgymnasiums Rotenburg (Gerberstr. 14, 27356 Rotenburg [Wümme])
- Scharnebeck,24.03.09-8.05.2009 im Foyer des Bernhard-Riemann-Gymnasium Scharnebeck (Duvenbornsweg 5a, 21379 Scharnebeck bei Lüneburg)
- Harburg, 6.02.09-27.02.2009 im Foyer des Lessing Gymnasium (Am Soldatenfriedhof 21, 21073 Harburg)
- Buxtehude, 3.12.08-6.02.2009 im Foyer der Halepaghen-Schule (Konopkastraße 5, 21614 Buxtehude); siehe auch Presse.
Ausgabe Nr. 32 der Zeitschrift Pacific News erschienen
Die von Dr. Michael Waibel herausgegebene und redaktionell betreute aktuelle Ausgabe der Zeitschrift PACIFIC NEWS ist erschienen.
Ausgabe Nr. 31 der Zeitschrift Pacific News erschienen
Die von Dr. Michael Waibel herausgegebene und redaktionell betreute aktuelle Ausgabe der Zeitschrift PACIFIC NEWS ist erschienen.
DFG-Bewilligung für 2. Förderphase im Rahmen des SPP 1233
Schwerpunktpunktprogramm 1233 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft „Megastädte: Informelle Dynamik des globalen Wandels“;
Bewilligung des Teilprojektes „Governance over Time: Spatial Differentiation and Temporal Change of Urban Development and Redevelopment in a Context of Multiple Transitions and Informal Growth in the PRD“. Förderphase: 2009-2011.
Posterausstellung „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“, 12.09.-24.10.2008
Als Teil der CHINATIME Hamburg 2008 wird an der Abt. Wirtschaftsgeographie (AG Waibel) des Geographischen Instituts der Universität Hamburg in Kooperation mit der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V. (APSA) vom 12.09.-24.10.2008 im Foyer des Geomatikums (Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg) eine Posterausstellung (18 Tafeln/ DINA0-Format in Fotodruckqualität) zum Thema „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“ organisiert.
Diese Ausstellung wird von der Hamburg Innovation GmbH (HI) / Arbeitsstelle für Wissens- und Technologietransfer (AWITT), dem Geographischen Institut der Universität Hamburg und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien e.V. (APSA) gefördert.
Pressemitteilung Nr.99/08 der Universität Hamburg vom 10.09.2008: Posterausstellung „Chinas Metropolen im Wandel“
Link zur Posterreihe im DINA4-Format (PDF-Datei, 18 Tafeln, Dateigröße: ca. 7 MB)
Ausgabe Nr. 30 der Zeitschrift Pacific News erschienen
Die von Dr. Michael Waibel herausgegebene und redaktionell betreute aktuelle Ausgabe der Zeitschrift PACIFIC NEWS ist erschienen.
Pressebericht im Göttinger Tageblatt
Göttinger Studierende der Geographie bei bundesweitem Wettbewerb erfolgreich: Optimiertes Bevölkerungsprognosemodell entwickelt – Preisverleihung am 28. Oktober in Berlin
Geographie-Studierende der Universität Göttingen haben erfolgreich an einem studentischen Wettbewerb des Bundesinnenministeriums zum Thema Demographie teilgenommen. Reena Bäcker, Brigitta Arend, Bettina Suerland, Ingo Juchem und Niklas Steinleitner entwickelten ein optimiertes Modell zur Bevölkerungsprognose, für das sie mit dem zweiten Preis des bundesweit ausgeschriebenen Wettbewerbs „Der demographische Wandel – Konsequenzen für Staat, Gesellschaft und Bürger, Ideen und Konzepte für seine Bewältigung“ ausgezeichnet werden.
Die Studie mit dem Titel „Mathematische Optimierung von Bevölkerungsprognosemodellen für kleinräumige Untersuchungseinheiten“ ist im Rahmen eines Seminars unter Leitung von Dr. Michael Waibel entstanden.
- Artikel im Rundbrief Geographie, Heft 197, Nov. 2005, über den Wettbewerbserfolg.